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(  D )1Kids will study______home______computers.
A.at…by        B.in…on        C.in…with          D.at…on
( C  )2.A: My  cousin  always ____things  from  me  and  forgets  to return them.
      B:You  shouldn't ______anything to her later on.
A.borrow,borrow  B.lends ,lend     C.borrows, lend     D.lend,borrow
( B  )3.The plane will_____and all the passengers _____their mobile phones.
A.turn off, take off                B.take off, turn off 
C.take off, take off                D.turn off ,turn off
(  B  )4.When  his  father______home  , he  was  reading.
A.arrived at        B.got        C.reached in       D.got to
(   A )5.The teacher said that he______to speak to my mother.
A.wanted        B.would want     C.wants             D.has wanted
( C   )6.She doesn't know  if  she_____time tomorrow, If she_____, she _____with  her  friends.
A.has,has,goes                    B.have ,has ,goes 
C.will have ,has ,will go            D.will have ,will have, will go
( C   )7.You  won't  go  home ______you  finish  your homework.
A.after            B.if        C.until          D.because
(  C  )8.What will you do______you want to be a teacher?
A.because           B.that        C.if             D.when
( C   )9.If  you become  famous, people will watch  you_____and  follow you_____.
A.everytime ,everywhere                 B.any time , any where 
C.all the time ,everywhere                D.sometime ,some where
(  D   )10.Mark said that he______a party next Sunday.
A.will organize                    B.would  like  organizing  
C.is  going  to  organize           D.was going to organize
(  D   )11.Tom is an______boy. He can read and write very well.
A.eights-year-old      B.five-year olds   C.eleven-years-old    D.eight-year-old
( B   )12.We______TV when the telephone______.
A.watched ,was ringing                   B.were watching,rang 
C.are watching,rang                      D.watch,ring
(  A  )13The girl is weak______ physics .But she is good______English.
A.in ,at              B.at ,in           C.in ,on           D.on ,in
(   A )14—Jenny is always ready to help others .    —______the girl is!
A.How lovely     B.What lovely       C.What a lovely     D.How a lovely
( D    )15I think there will be ____ people and _____pollution in 50 years.
A.few,few          B.little,little       C.less,fewer         D.fewer,less
(  D  )16The teacher asked the boy_______.
A.where did he live  B.where he lives   C.where does he live  D.where he lived
(  A  )17_________,she told Ben she was having a surprise party for joe.
A.First of all       B.All of first       C.Of all first        D.First all of 
(  C  )18My radio doesn't work. What's wrong _______it?
A.about        B.within          C.with            D.on
(   D )19My Green is _____,he doesn't often have _____to play with his child. 
A.enough busy,time enough           B.busily enough, time enough 
C.enough busy,enough time            D.busy enough,enough time
( B    )20What ______she _______ when the telephone rang?
A.did ,do       B.was,doing         C.does ,do          D.is ,doing
(  A ) 21. Some scientists think that it may take _______ years to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us.
 A. hundreds of   B. two hundreds of   C. two hundreds    D. hundreds 
( C  ) 22. I don’t have any money. He doesn’t have any money, ________.
     A. too          B. also            C. either           D. yet
(  B )23. I think you should ______ some money ______ your friends.
     A. borrow; for   B. borrow; from   C. lend; from   D. borrow; to
( A  ) 24. My friend has the same haircut __________ I do.
     A. as   B. like   C. seem   D. looks like
( A  ) 25. If you bring snacks to the party, the teachers will ___________.
     A. take it away   B. take them away   C. take away it   D. take away them
(C   ) 26. It is foggy(多雾的) today. The plane can't        .
     A. land    B. landed     C. take off      D. taking off
(   ) 27. Last year I was often ill, but now I am        good health.
A. at       B



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