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更新时间:2012-04-09 08:27:57
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           总分  150分   考试时间 120分钟     出题:初一年级组
                                 A卷 (100分)
( )1 A,It’s warm and sunny     B It’s Sunday   C It’s a nice country
 (  ) 2 A He usually has lunch at 12:30  B He is looking for his watch
       C He wants to have a new watch
 (  ) 3 A No, she is doing her homework  B Yes, she works in the hospital
       C Yes, she teaches English
( )4A It’s great     B You’er welcome  C It’s a fine day today
 (  )5 A You’re right   B Why do you want to go there?  C Sorry, I don’t know
 (  )6 A He’s an artist  B He can paint    C Because he likes painting
( )11 A  Yes, it is far       B  It isn’t far from here 
       C  It’s about five minutes’walk    
 (  ) 12 A He is cooking    B He is eating   C He is cleaning the kitchen 
 (  ) 13 A France  B Australia   C China 
 (  ) 14 A Cats   B Dogs   C  Tigers
 (  ) 15 A  A doctor  B A worker   C A clerk
四 听长对话,根据所听到的内容选择正确的答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
( )16  Who is the boy’s new pen pal ?
      A  Li Ping   B Jenny    C Kate  
 (  ) 17  How old is the boy’s new pen pal ?
A She is eleven .
B She is twelve.
C She is thirteen.
 (  ) 18 Where does the boy’s new pen pal from?
     A Canada    B China  C France 
 (  ) 19 What’s the boy’s new pen pal’s hobby?
A Playing basketball
B Playing the guitar 
C Playing the piano 
(  ) 20 What’s the weather like in Canada now?
A It’s warm    B It’s humid   C It’s cold 
( )21 Is Henry Nancy’s brother?
     A Yes, he is     B No, he isn’t    C We don’t know
 (  ) 22 Where does Mr Cooper work ?
A  At  school    B At the zoo     C In a hospital  (  ) 23 What do Henry and Nancy give to the animal on Saturday?
A Fruit    B Vegetable  C meat
 (  ) 24 What animals do the Henry and Nancy like best ?
     A Elephants    B Tigers     C Monkeys
 (  ) 25 What do they do at the zoo on Sundays?
A Clean the animals’houses
B Give the animals some food 
C Play with the animals
26. My pen pal ____ the UK.
  A. come from       B. is come from       C. is from      D. from
27. My father likes _______ books in the evening. He doesn’t often ______ TV. 
A. looking at, see    B. watches, see   C. to read, watch   D. reading, watch
28. Thank you for ______ me.
  A. writing for       B. writing to       C. look at       D. listening
29. Our school is ____ the bank ____ the hotel.
A. next, to       B. between, and       C. in, and        D. between, to
30. Listen! Lucy ____ in her room.
  A. sings         B. is singing        C. sang        D. are singing
31. -- Is there a park in the neighborhood?
   -- ____ .
  A. Yes, there isn’t.    B. No, it isn’t.    C. Yes, there is.    D. No, it doesn’t.
32. Let’s _____ the music first.
A. listening to        B. listen to       C. to listen       D. to listen
33. Frenchmen speak ____ in ____ .
  A. French, France                 B. France, French    
C. Franch, Frenchman             D. England, English
34. There ____ a tree and some flowers in the garden.
  A. are       B. be      C. is      D. to be
35. --What ____ she ____ ?
   --She’s a teacher.
  A. is, do     B. is, doing     C. does, do     D. did, do
36. ______, could you tell me the way to the Water World?
  A .Sorry      B. Excuse me     C. Hi       D. Hello
37. My best friend Nancy ____ beautiful long hair and she ____ good-looking.
  A. is, has       B. is, having      C. has, is     D. has, has
38. -- _____ in South China in spring?      -- It’s humid.
  A. What do you do?           B. How’s the weather?     
C. What’s the weather?        D. What do you want to be?
39. -How’s it going?     - _____ ! I feel great!
  A. Pretty good     B. I am not bad    C. It’s windy    D. That sounds terrible
40. --What are you doing in the park?   -- I’m looki



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