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英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
第一节  (本题共5小题。每小题1分,计5分)
1. Which is the man’s favorite animal ?
A.          B.           C. 
2. What did Walter do yesterday?
A.        B.             C. 
3. What will people use in this city in ten years ?
A.          B.           C.
 4. Where does Mary want to go this summer vacation?
A.       B.              C.   
 5. What is Lucy going to be when she grows up?
A.         B.         C.
第二节  (本题共15小题。每小题1分,计15分)
6. When will Jack go to the movies?
  A. Tonight.             B. Tomorrow.              C. Tomorrow night.
7. What will happen if Ellen goes?
  A. Her sister will go with her.            
  B. She won’t finish the housework.     
  C. She won’t finish her homework.
8. What would the girl do if she saw a big bicycle accident?
  A. She would run away.    
  B. She would call the police.       
  C. She would help the people who can’t see . 
9. Which country would the girl fly to first if she could fly anywhere in the world?
  A. England.                B. Japan.                C. Canada.
10. What famous person from history would the girl most like to meet?
  A. Zhou Enlai.              B. Confucius.            C. Mao Zedong.
11. How does the woman feel after the long trip?
   A. Very tired .              B. OK.                 C. Quite sleepy.
12. How long will it take them to get home?
   A. A few minutes.          B. About an hour .        C. About two hours.
13. Where may the conversation happen?
   A. At the train station.       B. At the airport.         C. At the bus stop.
14. What are they talking about?
   A. How to go to school.
   B. How to protect the environment.
   C. How to recycle waste paper.
15. How many ways did they talk about?
   A. Two.        B. Three.           C. Four.
16. Which of the following is the last way?
   A. Saving money.
   B. Riding a bike.
   C. Using paper or cloth bags instead of plastic ones.
17. How soon will Mary be with her parents? 
   A. In a week.            B. In a month.           C. In a minute.
18. Where is Mary now?  
   A. In France.            B. In England.           C. In America.
19. When will Mary arrive in Paris?
A. On Thursday .          B. On Wednesday .       C. On Friday. 
20. Why does Mary ask her parents to meet her at the station?
A. Because she has been ill.
B. Because she will take a lot of things.         
C. Because she has no money .
第二部分  基础知识运用(共两节,满分25分)
第一节 单项选择(共10小题。每小题1分,计10分)
21. —Must I finish my homework right now?
    —No, you        .
A. needn’t          B. may not       C. mustn’t        D. can’t
22. When we got to Yushu airport , we were told that they        more than 500 people from the ruins(废墟) by earthquake.
    A. has saved        B. saved        C. had saved      D. have saved
23. —Would you like             to drink? 
    —Yes, I’ d like a cup of coffee.
    A. something else     B. else something     C. anything else     D. else anything
24. Why not       an English club to practice          English?
   A. to join; to speak                        B. join; speaking      
C. join; to speak                          D. to join; speaking
25. This kind of paper         soft.
   A. feels             B. tastes              C. smells          D. sounds
26.梇our watch is so beautiful. It must be expensive.
  桸ot at all. I only          ¥20 on it.
    A. cost            B. spent               C. paid            D. took
27.         trees have been planted near here, so the air is very fresh.
A. Two hundreds      B. Hundred of          C. Hundreds of     D. H



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