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人教版初二英语 第七单元Section B.ppt
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更新时间:2012-05-03 08:34:36
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人教版初二英语 第七单元Section B.ppt介绍

16. ----I’ll be away on holiday.Would you ?          mind looking after my cat ?      ---- Not at all. ______________.                                                (中考真题)     A. I have no time    B. I’d rather not      C. You?can leave      D. I’d be happy to 17. ― Sam,?would?you?mind if I copy the             document??  ― ______.                                    (2009年泰安市)      A. Of course not, go ahead       B. Yes, please?  C. Of course, do as?you?like       D. No,?you’d better not?  18. He will come here?right?away___ he        hears the news.                                       (2009年中考真题)       A. so B. as soon as C. because D. though  19. ---- What makes you____ ??  ---- Someone jumps the queue when            others are waiting in a line.                                   (吉林省2006年 )    ?A annoy???????????  B annoyed?????????   ? C annoying????????D to annoy  20. The more he spoke, ________ he became.?                                   (2007年长郡中学)   A. the more?excited? B. the more exciting    C. more?excited?       D. more exciting 21. ---- Here is a present for you, Jack .        ----Wow! It looks ________ nice.                                       (2006年沈阳市 )   A. truly B. nearly C. really D. hardly  5. He is _______ a meeting.     A.have           B.has    C.at            D.on 6. — Can you get me a ticket for the match?     — __________.    A.Sorry, no problem	B.Certainly, no problem    C.Excuse me, I can’t	D.Certainly, not problem 7.The watch was________well.   A.work            			B.working   C.doing            			D.playing 8.The passengers were _______ in line to      get on the train.   A.waiting         B.cross        C.in            D.going C  B  B  A  9.Your questions ________ me very much.    A.bother        B.vex         C.annoy         D.irritate 10.Sports are ________ for health.    A.good           B.well        C.better         D.best 11.The beggar’s story _________ my pity.    A.exciting                        B.excited       C.excite                            D.excitement 12.The master got _________ with your answer.   A.anger                             B.angrily   C.angry            		   D.the anger C  A  B  C  13.I paid a ________ because my library       book was overdue.    A.fine                       B.good    C.much            	      D.well 14.You should throw ________ these chairs       and buy new __________.    A.off;ones            	B.away;one    C.away;ones            	D.out;one 15.I’m ________ sorry about it.   A.truly            		B.truely   C.true            		D.real A  C  A  D  A B B A C * Section B 八年级人教新目标下册 Unit 7   Would you mind turning   down the music?  Politeness costs nothing   and gains everything.  What should you say to them? Would you mind not…? / Could you please not…? #* & # !!  walk on the grass  cut the line  talk turn down the music fight  smoke If you are in the library, some people are doing some  annoying things in it. What should you do? Work in  group and discuss the best ways to solve the problems.   图 书 馆 Are you happy? Why or why not? What will make you unhappy in your  daily life? Would you ever complain about them? a bad haircut The bus is late. pen doesn’t work don’t return my eraser  someone cut in line don’t have your umbrella  waitress	 annoy 	 polite   complain be annoyed   wait in line cut in line all the time	 try not to do sth. get angry  女服务员 打扰; 使生气 有礼貌的 抱怨 烦恼的 排队等候 插队 始终 试图不做某事 生气 Words and  Expressions  1a. What annoyed him/her? Your barber gave you a terrible haircut. The store clerk gave you the wrong size. The movie was  Terrible.Your best  friend said it was great. Her friends were late. The pen you bought didn’t work. The waitress brought him the wrong food. 1b. Groupwork  … … The bus is late.  Bus stop someone cut in line Bus stop  Problems Places I think the most annoying thing is others cut in line at bus stops, and I also don’t like …. Report:  1 2 3 2a. Listen and number the sentences in         the order you hear them in activity 1a. 2b. Listen again and fill in the blanks in        the chart. will get a new pen
人教版初二英语 第七单元Section B.ppt



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