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教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 初中英语
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更新时间:2012-05-03 08:34:36
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( 期中评价 )
(时量:90分钟       总分:120分)
(    )1. A. Yes, I do.             B. Yes, I am.             C. I like them.
(    )2. A. Yes, I do.             B. That sounds good.      C. I’m sorry.
(    )3. A. It’s red.              B. It’s a map.             C. Thank you.
(    )4. A. It’s a map.            B. It’s 5378698.          C. It’s red.
(    )5. A. I’m fine, thank you.    B. I’m sorry.             C. Excuse me.
(    )6. What color is the pen?
A. It’s green.            B. It’s black.             C. It’s yellow.
(    )7. Does Jim have a black pen?
A. Yes, he does.          B. No, he doesn’t.         C. I don’t know.
(    )8. Where’s her backpack?
A. It’s on the dresser.      B. It’s under the bed.      C. It’s on the bed.
(    )9. What does the boy like to eat ?
A. apples.               B. pears.                C. bananas.
(    )10. What’s the boy’s first name ?
A. Jim                 B. Green.               C. Jim Green.
(    )11. This is          .
     A. a picture of Jim.   B. a picture of Jim’s room.  C. a picture of Jim’s family.
(    )12. Where’s the hat? It’s          .
     A. behind the door.      B. under the desk.      C. under the bed.
(    )13. The soccer ball is          .
     A. behind the chair.      B. under the bed.      C. behind the door.
(    )14.          are on the desk.
     A. Some CDs.          B. Some books.        C. A hat.
(    )15. We can see(看见)         on the bookcase.
     A. a hat.               B. some books.        C. some CDs.
Name	Likes	Doesn’t like		Anna	Salad, oranges and ice cream	16.                		Jenny	Eggs,17.                 and ice cream	salad		Gina	French fries and 18.                	19.                		Mary	20.                	ice cream and salad		Ⅱ、知识运用(共两部分,计25分)
A) 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。
(    )21. This is          eraser. It is not          ruler.
A. a, a              B. an,a            C. a, an 
(    )22. Thanks          your photo of your family.
A. to              B. at                   C. for   
(    )23. Please          the English book to his room.
A. take                 B. have             C. bring 
(    )24. The books are very good, I like          .
   A. they                 B. their              C. them
(    )25.          . Is this your pencil case?
   A. Hello                B. I’m sorry          C. Excuse me 
(    )26. I           Lin Dong, My English name          Gina.
A. am, am                   B. is, am            C. am, is    
(    )27. Li Lei          an English book.
A. don’t have            B. doesn’t have        C. doesn’t has
(    )28. 26个字母中小写字母手写体能占三格的字母是          .
A. i, f, g    		        B. f, j      	    	C. g, p, y
(    )29.           is my father,          name is Wang Jian.
A.He; He's  	        B.He; His 	        C.His; His 
(    )30. I eat          for lunch.
A. chicken              B. a chicken           C. chickens
(    )31. I can see some balls, and they are          the floor.
A. in                 B. to                C. on 
(    )32. Jim’s brother          five basketballs.
A. have                B. has                C. is
(    )33.          David and Jim like bananas?
A. Does                B. Do                C. Is
(    )34. Let’s          basketball.
A. play                B. play a              C. play the
(    )35.Are these your books?         
A. Yes, they’re.          B. Yes, they are         C. Yes, these are.
B) 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
My name 1.      Jack Green. Jack is my 2.      name,3.      Green is my last name. I’m twelve . I’m 4.      English boy. I 5.      a sister. 6.      name is Mary. She is seven . She is a 7    . She 8.    watching TV. My father and my mother are 9.     , and 10.     like their work. .
(    )36. A. am                  B. is                    C. are 
(    )37. A. family               B. last                   C. first
(    )38. A



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