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更新时间:2012-04-08 08:28:24
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命题人      安吉县晓墅中学    周荣装
Part Ⅰ  听力部分(20分)
(     )1、
(     )2、
(     )3、What does Mary like?
(     )4、What does he want to buy?
(     )5、Where is the woman from?
(     )6、What kind of movie does Tony like?
A、Comedies            B、Thrillers                C、Documentaries
(     )7、What’s Mary’s favorite fruit?
A、Bananas             B、Apples                  C、Oranges
(     )8、What’s Peter doing now?
A、He’s watching CD     B、He’s cleaning the room     C、He’s eating lunch
(     )9、Who’s Jim’s best friend?
A、John                B、Sam                    C、Tim
(     )10、Can the boys play the drums?
A、No, they can’t       B、Yes, they can        C、I don’t know
(     )11、When does Jim get up?
A、6:30               B、7:30               C、8:30
(     )12、Does he run after breakfast?
A、Yes, he does         B、No, he doesn’t.      C、I don’t know
(     )13、Which number bus does he take?
A、The number 8 bus.   B、The number 18 bus.   C、The number 80 bus
(     )14、What does he do after school?
A、He plays the guitar     B、He plays volleyball     C、He plays basketball
(     )15、What time does he go to bed?
A、10:00               B、9:00               C、9:30
Part Ⅱ   读写做部分(80分)
(    )1、        “f” and         “u” are in the word “fun”.
          A. An, a            B. An, an            C. A, a            D. A, an
(    )2、          is your father?
He’s fine.
          A. What            B. Where            C. How           D. How old
(    )3、  What color         your shoes?
A. is, It’s           B. is, Is              C. are, Their       D. are, They’re
(    )4、  Let’s go         soccer ball with the boys.
That sounds great.
A. to playing        B. and playing        C. play           D. and play
(    )5、We need a lot of         every day.
A. vegetables        B. meats             C. broccolis       D. apple
(    )6、Jim         like basketball. He         computer games.
          A. don’t, like        B. doesn’t, likes       C. don’t, likes     D. doesn’t, like
(    )7、          these two boys your brothers?
No,         my friends.
A. Are, it’s          B. Is, it’s            C. Are, they’re       D. Is, they’re
(    )8、I want         the box to my room.
A. to put       B. take         C. to have     D. to take
(    )9、May I have a look         your new watch?
A. at       B. for          C.  after     D. with
(    )10、Look! Some broccoli         in the box. Some apples         in the bag.
A. are, are       B. is, is          C. are, is      D. is, are
(    )11、This is a picture of         family.
A. Jim       B. Jim’s          C. Jims      D. Jims’
(    )12、Her birthday is         February.
A. in       B. on          C. at      D. for
(    )13、Paul usually goes to the movie         weekends.
A. on       B. in          C. to      D. for
(    )14、   Can I help you?
A. Yes, I can       B.  No, I cannot      C.  Yes, I do     D. Yes, please
(    )15、Mary can play         guitar but she can’t play         chess.
A. the, the       B. the, /          C. /, the      D. a, a
(    )16、           are the pants?
               They’re 50 dollars.
A. How       B. How much          C. Where      D. What
(    )17、He likes         but he doesn’t like        .
A. thriller, comedy                B. thrillers, comedies         
C. thriller, comedies               D. thrillers, comedies
(    )18、The baby is only ten        .
A. month old                     B. months years old         
C. months old                    D. monthes years
(    )19、   What can Cindy do?
               She can        .
A. swims       B. swimming          C. to swim      D. swim
(    )20、Thanks         your photo of your family.
A. for       B. of          C. to      D. at
1. The computer and the CD are on the table.(对划线部分提问)
                    the computer and the CD?
2. They’re apples.(改为单数形式)



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