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[CRZenTest8A]01 Unit 01试卷A卷
一 听写单词或词组
	1___________	2__________	3___________	4___________
	5___________	6___________	7___________	8___________
二 根据要求写出下列单词的相应形式
1 exercise(现在分词)_____________	2 different(名词)_______________
3 wash(第三人称单数)___________	4 health(形容词)_______________
5 time(复数)____________________ 	6 activities(单数)__________
7 try(第三人称单数)_____________ 	8 
三 单项选择
1 There are few _____ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages.
	A vegetables	B fruit	C meat	D eggs
2 -____ do you write to your pen-friend? –Once a week.
	A How long	B How soon	C How far	D How often
3 I’m hungry, Mum. I want ____ to eat.
	A everything	B anything	C something	D nothing
4 Pass my glasses to me, Jack. I can ____ read the words in the newspaper.
	A hardly	B really	C rather	D clearly
5 People usually _____ “hello” to each other when they make a phone call.
	A say	B speak	C tell	D talk
6 _____ Tom _____ a cake?
	A Is, want	B Do, want	C Does, want	D Doesn’t, and
7 Li Ping is ____ a family of three people.
	A at	B of	C from	D to
8 She likes _____ and _____ very much.   A vegetables, fruits
	B vegetables, fruit  C vegetable, fruit   D vegetables, fruits
9 –What _____ do you like best?  -Football.
	A food	B subject	C sport	D music
10 Do you often _____ books on Sundays?
	A look at	B see	C read	D watch
11 _____ more books is good for you.
	A Reading	B Read	C See	D Looking at
12 Mr Green usually has some eggs ____ breakfast.
	A in	B at	C for	D to
13 –Why don’t you go to the shop on foot? –It takes me ______ time.
	A very much	B too many	C too much	D much too
14 -______ does he usually study there? –About half a year.
	A How many	B How long	C How old	D How much
15 The little boy is often late _____ for school.
	A for	B at	C to	D with
四 选用所给动词的正确形式填空
  help  start  play  have  try  exercise  want  make  get  take
1 Does it ____ a big difference if you eat a lot of vegetables every day?
2 The trees are too high. We can’t _____ the apples on them.
3 –How often do you _____? –Every day.
4 Let’s ______ our new lesson.
5 Don’t ______ with fire. It’s dangerous.
6 My teacher _____ me to come to school earlier.
7 What do they _____ for dinner?
8 Fruit _____ us to keep in good health.
9 My brother _____ the No 118 bus to work.
10 He _____ to improve his English.
五 从II栏中找出与I栏中相对应的答语
                 I                               II
1 How often do you eat junk food?		A Yes, I do.
2 How many times do you play soccer every week?	B They play basketball.
3 What sports do you play?		C It’s Animal World.
4 How long does he do his homework every day?  D I eat junk food twice a week.
5 Do you like milk?		E I play soccer three times a week.
6 How many hours does she sleep every night?	F I like to play tennis.
7 What do they do on Sundays?	G She reads English books twice a week.
8 What does he do on weekends?		H Two hours every day.
9 What’s your favorite program?	I She sleeps nine hours every night.
10 How often does Lucy read English books? J He reads books in the library.
六 选择合适的选项完成对话
A What do you do on weekends?	A That’s great.
B ______		B I often go to the movies.
A To the movies.		C How often do you surf the Internet?
B Yes. What about you?	D I see.
A _______		E Do you have a QQ number?
B ______		F I often surf the Internet.
A Twice a week. It’s pretty nice.	G What’s your QQ number.
B What do you do on the Internet?
A I usually talk with my friends. ____	
B Yes, It’s 13798276.
A ______ We can talk on the Internet.
七 根据对话内容写出所缺单词
A Would you tell me ______ you can study better?
B Certainly. I think health can help me a lot.
A Do you often _______?
B Yes, I do. I exercise every day.
A Do you have good eating habits?
B Yes, I do. And my eating habits are pretty ____.
A Do you really like ____ vegetables?
B No, but I try to eat a lot of vegetables.
A How many times do you eat ______?
B About ten to eleven times _____ week.
A ______ do you think every day?
B I drink milk.
A What do you think _____ junk food?
B Very delicious.
A How many hours do you _____



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