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英语教学教案 Wild animals.doc
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更新时间:2012-05-03 08:32:47
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英语教学教案 Wild animals.doc介绍

Wild animals
Unit4 Wild animals
[Teaching Objectives]:
By the end of the unit, students should be able to
Describe animals with correct vocabulary.
Use conditional sentences to talk about possible situations.
Give reasons with ‘because’& ‘because of’.
Express opinions fluently and correctly.
Use rising and falling voice when saying conditional sentences.
Write a report. 
[Teaching methods]:
Audio lingual, Presentation, Discussion, Question-answer.
[Important/Difficult Points]:
New words and expressions;
Sentences which are difficult to understand.
[Teaching Procedure]:
Step1. Warming up (10 minutes)
1) Work in pairs or groups, and discuss the wild animals you know.
e.g. bear, dolphin, giant panda, kangaroo, squirrel, tiger 
2) Work in pairs, and talk about the animals you like best and least
  Step2. Listen and Read (20 minutes)
Listen to a report on giant pandas. ”The story of Xi Wang”
Show some pictures about giant pandas to the students.
Ask the students to read the text with the radio.
Ask the students to skim the text, and answer the following questions.
* Work in pairs, and discuss the different growing periods of Xi Wang.
1 day: She weighed 100 grams.
10 days: She looked like a white mouse.
4 months: She was about ten kilograms and started to go outside her home.
6 months: She began to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.
12 months: She weighed 35 kilograms.
20 months: She started to look after herself.
   * Introduce the main idea of the report.
Step3. New words (30 minutes)
1)outside  prep. 在……外面.
e.g. You can park your car outside our house.
2)bamboo  n. 竹子.
   a bamboo grove 竹林
   a bamboo chair 竹笋
   bamboo shoots(=young bamboo plants that can be eaten) 竹笋
3)leaf  n. (树、菜)叶  pl.(leaves)
e.g. The trees are just coming into leaf. 树木正好在长叶子。
     the dead leaves of autumn/ the fall  秋天的枯叶
4)sadly  adv. 
  ① unfortunately 令人遗憾地;不幸地
e.g. Sadly, after eight years of marriage they had grown apart.
② in a sad way 悲伤地;伤心地
  e.g. She cried sadly. 她伤心地哭泣。
Add: adj. sad 悲伤的,难过的
 n. sadness 悲伤,难过
  5) survive   vi. 活下来,继续存在,幸存
  e.g. She was the last surviving member of the family.
       Only two people survived in the traffic accident.
Add: n. survivor 幸存者,生还者
6)hunter  n. 猎人  a person who hunts wild animals for food
 Add: verb. hunt 打猎,猎取,猎杀
  e.g. Lions sometimes hunt alone. 狮子有时单独猎食。
  7)kill  vt. 杀死,弄死,导致死亡
  e.g. Cancer kills thousands of people every year.
       He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills.
  8)farmer  n. 农民;农场主  a person who owns or manages a farm
 Add: farm 农场
      farmhand 农场工人
      farmhouse 农场住宅,农舍
      farmland 农田,耕地
      farming 务农,农场经营
  9)forest  n. 森林
  e.g. a forest fire   森林火灾
       Thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed each year.
  10)nowhere  adv. 无处,没有地方
  e.g. There was nowhere for me to sit. 我无处可坐。
  11)following  adj.以下的,接着的  next in time
  e.g. the following afternoon/month/year/week
       a following wind 顺风
  12)action  n. 行动
  e.g. take action  采取行动
       course of action  行动方针
       plan of action  行动计划
 Add: act  verb. 做事,行动
      active  adj. 积极的,充满活力的
      activity  n. 活动
      actor  n. 演员   actress  女演员
  13)protect  vt. 保护	n. protection
      protect ( sb / sth ) ( against / from )sth
  e.g. They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind.
  14)reserve  n. 自然保护区
  e.g. a wildlife reserve  野生动植物保护区
  15)encourage  vi.& vt. 劝告;鼓励
      encourage sb in sth
  e.g. My parents always encourages me in my choice of career.
Step4. Grammar & exercises: (40 minutes)
conditional sentences
(simple present tense)	main  clause
(simple future tense)		If hunters catch a giant panda,	they will kill it for its fur.		If we do nothing,	soon there will be no giant pandas in t
英语教学教案 Wild animals.doc



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