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更新时间:2012-05-02 08:36:39
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第Ⅰ卷  (共85分)
第一节  听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听一遍。(6分)
A. name 	B. nice	C. nine
A. 4728569	B. 4728579	C. 48275658
A. /?/	B. /e/	C. /^/
A. this	B. these	C. that
A. 8:04	B. 8:14	C. 8:40
A. pear	B. pen	C. paint
第二节  听录音,选出你所听到句子的最佳答语,听一遍。(6分)
A. I’m 11.	B. I’m fine.	C. Nice to meet you.
A. Her name is Mary.	B. His name is Jim.	C. My name is Bob.
A. It’s a backpack.	B. They are backpacks.	C. Those are backpacks.
A. No, he isn’t.	B. Yes, it is.	C. Yes, she is.
A. Yes, we do.	B. Yes, we are.	C. Yes, we can.
A. Cakes.	B. Hamburgers.	C. Strawberries.
第三节  短文理解(18分)
David is a nice boy.
He has a great clothes colletction.
He often plays the guitar after school.
He doesn’t like apples.
Jack Smith is a _________.
A. teacher	B. musician	C. doctor
Jack Smith has _________.
A. two sons	B. two daughters	C. a son and a daughter
How old is Gina?
A. 14	B. 15	C. 16
Tom and Gina can _________.
A. sing	B. play the guitar	C. speak Chinese
Do they like Chinese movies?
A. Yes, they do.	B. No, they don’t.	C. I don’t know.
This is _________ old car, and that is _________ new car.
A. a; a	B. an; a	C. an; the	D. a; the
_________ is my friend. _________ name is Tom.
A. She; Her	B. Her; She	C. He; His	D. His; He
—What color are the socks?
—_________ yellow and brown.
A. They’re	B. Them	C. It’s	D. It
—_________ is the bag?
—It’s 7 dollars.
A. How many	B. How much	C. How old	D. What color
Jack sings _________ and he is a _________ singer(歌手).
A. good; good	B. well; well	C. good; well	D. well; good
I go to bed _________ 10 _________ the evening.
A. at; on	B. at; in	C. at; at	D. in; /
—Does Tom _________ any soccer balls?
—Yes, he _________ some.
A. have; have	B. has; has	C. have; has	D. has; have
When _________ your friend _________ his homework every day?
A. does; do	B. do; does	C. does; does	D. do; do
Do you like _________ books in the morning?
A. looking	B. look	C. reading	D. read
—When is your birthday?
—My birthday is _________.
A. in January nineth		B. in January ninth
C. on January nineth		D. on January ninth
—Can you play the guitar?
—No, I _________, but I _________ play the violin.
A. can; can	B. can’t; can’t	C. can’t; can	D. can; can’t
Miss White is a good teacher. She usually _________.
A. helps me to English		B. help me learn English
C. help me with my English	D. helps me with English
—_________! Where is my jacket?
—_________, I don’t know.
A. Excuse me; Yes	B. Excuse; Sorry	C. Excuse me; Sorry	D. Yes; Sorry
—Let’s _________ basketball.
—_________ great.
A. playing; Sounds		B. play; Sounds
C. play; Sound		D. plays; Sound
I think thrillers are interesting, _________ you don’t like them.
A. but	B. and	C. so	D. because
This is my   37  .   38   do you like it? I like it very much. It’s bright and clean.   39   the walls you can see a map of China and some paintings. Many students can paint. We have a   40   soccer in our classroom,   41   you can’t see it. It’s under the   42   desk. I can play it well.
At school the teachers and students are always(总是) wearing(穿) school clothes. Our
teachers are very friendly. We have our lesson   43   eight o’clock in the morning to four o’clock in the afternoon. After class we   44   playing games. We can also join different kinds of   45  . For example(例如), I want to join the chess club.
I’m on duty this morning. I help my teacher   46   many preparing(准备的) things.
It’s time for class. I tell my teacher everyone is here and we are all ready for the class.
A. family	B. classroom	C. friend	D. bedroom
A. What	B. How	C. Who	D. Where
A. On	B. For	C. In	D. Under
A. old	B. new	C. our	D. American
A. and	B. or	C. so	D. but
A. teachers	B. teachers’	C. teacher	D. teachers’s
A. at	B. in	C. from	D. after
A. can	B. are like	C. like	D. would like
A. club	B. clubs	C. work	D. works



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