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第一部分 单选题  [186] A shipmate suffers a heart attack and stops breathing. You must __B_____. BCD
 A. administer oxygen		B. immediately check his pulse and start CPR心脏复苏
C. make the victim comfortable in a bunk  D. immediately give a stimulant, by force if necessary
[367] An unconscious person should NOT be ______C__. BCD dehydrate 
   	A. placed in a position with the head lower than the body  B. given an inhalation stimulant
   	C. given something to drink   			D. treated for injuries until conscious
[407] Basic emergency care for third degree electrical burn is to ________C. BCD
   	A. flood the burned area with warm water for two minutes
   	B. brush away the charred skin and wrap the burned area
   	C. cover the burned area with a clean cloth and transport the patient to a medical facility
   	D. apply ointment or spray to the burned area and wrap with a clean cloth
[430] Bleeding from a vein may be ordinarily controlled by _____A___.BCD artery
   	A. applying direct pressure to the wound   B. heavy application of a disinfectant
   	C. pouring ice water directly onto the wound   	D. pinching the wound closed
[431] Blood flowing from a cut artery appears ________C. BCD
   	A. dark red with a steady flow          		B. bright red with a steady flow
   	C. bright red and in spurts             		D. dark red and in spurts
[432] Bonding cables are used during cargo transfer to _____C___. CD preventer
   	A. provide safe electrical power connection to barge equipment
   	B. keep the vessel from surging excessively
   	C. prevent an accidental discharge of static electricity
   	D. secure the cargo hose to a hatch when loading overall
[581] Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive _____B___.  CD  HYPOTHERMIA HYPERTHERMIA  
   	A. loss of body temperature   			B. loss of water and salt from the body
   	C. gain in body temperature   			D. intake of water when working or exercising
[617] If a crew member is exposed to phenol苯 by way of skin or eye contact, you should 	IMMEDIATELY ______C__. BCD
   A. administer oxygen               		B. treat victim for shock
   C. flush skin and eyes with water     	D. give victim stimulant
[670]Where there are multiple accident victims,which type of injury should be the first to receive emergency treatment? A. Severe shock B. Eye injuries C. Burns D. Major multiple fractures KEY:  A
[787]Which can be prevented only by segregating two lots of cargo into separate holds? C
A. Contamination of dry cargo by a wet cargo B. Contamination of a clean cargo by a dirty cargo 
C. Contamination of a food cargo by an odorous cargo D. Overcarriage,overstowage,and short landing 
[1118] The necessity for administering artificial respiration may be recognized by the victim's _B_ CD  RUB THE TOES BRISKLY
   	A. vomiting                      	B. blue color and lack of breathing
   	C. irregular breathing            	D. unconscious condition
[1371] What is NOT a treatment for traumatic shock? C   CD
   	A. Keep the patient warm but not hot. 				B. Have the injured 





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