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更新时间:2012-04-09 08:28:05
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	朗读单词并给出意思 (3分)	朗读短语并说出意思(2分)	朗读课文,回答老师问题(3分)	看图回答问题(至少2个信息)(2分)		1	art    exam   believe  decide   
finish   boring  bright  Friday 
October  turn  sing*  11	play with his friends
do much reading/ shopping
work hard
have a shower
have breakfast	Lesson 27- 2.1 p 7; 
What kind of girl is Lisa Barrett? 
What does she usually do after training?		Is your school library big?		2	city   history  happen   leave   
remember  clever  born  January  Sunday  take    write*	tell me about your father
look forward to seeing you
reach the 40s 
my big interest
enjoy school	Lesson 31-1.1 p20
Who is spending a holiday on the beach?
Why is Jackie not sleeping much? 		What does your mother often do on weekends? 		3	hospital  part   save  sell  set
dangerous  famous  Monday  May   talk  want*
	have English five times a week; a basketball player
cost two dollars fifty
get dressed; get along better with my parents	Les 35-2.1: 2和3短文 p 35; 
1. What does Alan look like ? 
2. What is Penny like? 		What was the matter with Jim last week? 		4	kind  meeting  smile  speak   spend  interesting   tall   July    September    teacher   room *	learn how to use the e-mail
feel proud of our teacher
take some medicine
play sports with my friends
tell jokes	Lesson 39-1.3  p 48; 
1. Why was it a fantastic day today for you? 
2. What was the exhibition like? 	 	What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer?		5	hour   nobody   season  show   
start   slowly    often  April   
Thursday  student   number *
	get good grades at school
have a headache/
take chess lessons
look for information on the Internet	Lesson 41-1.1  p 58; 
1. Who were Marcus and Daniel? 
2. What did they do before their trip across the USA?		How does the boy go to school? 		6	idea  interest  hurt   sleep  
thin   carefully  weekday  June
library    school    repeat*  	keep the room clean
keep food in the fridge
on Monday morning
after training
help me with my homework, 	Lesson 46-2.2  p 75; 
1. What is Silk Street like? Where is it? 
2. What is special with the market?		What is the woman doing? 		7	office  plan  ride  wash  enough  never  Tuesday  name   February  train   thank * 	see the teams play the match
something casual
Jerry's character, 
my neighbor
many of his songs	Lesson 47  p 75; 
1. When did the writer go to the Great Wall? 
2. How was the weather there that day?		What is the boy doing? Does he do it for a long while?		8	memory  month   sound  think  understand   finally  tired  
March   water  report   save *	stop to talk to them
speak very loudly
talk for a while, 
watch the show
lots of students from other schools	Lesson 46-1.2  p 74; 
1. What is the capital of China? What kind of city is it 
2. What was the Palace Museum for in the past?		What did Cindy do last Sunday?		考查朗读课文,对于中下端学生老师可指定朗读部分,但不得少于一个中心自然段落。但复习时要求带领学生完成1-8套每套题至少2遍,尤其是课文复习和看图回答问题,必须全面覆盖!




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