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Revision of Junior English 初三英语复习 Pronouns 代  词 代词的分类    人称代词     Personal Pronouns    物主代词     Possessive Pronouns    反身代词     Self Pronouns    不定代词     Indefinite Pronouns    指示代词     Demonstrative Pronouns    疑问代词     Interrogative Pronouns 人称代词    Personal Pronouns   数       单数           复数 人称  一 二      三      一  二   三 主格  I    you    he   she   it   we    you    they 宾格 me	  you   him  her  it	  us	 your   them  1.人称代词作主语时用主格,作宾语时用宾格     * They all like him very much.      他们都很喜欢他。     * She gave the books to you and me.      这些书是她送给你和我的。  2.人称代词在作表语时,用宾格     * Who’s knocking at the door?               –It’s me.              谁敲门?-是我。  3. 人称代词在并列使用时的顺序为 “第二人称,第三人称,第一人称”   * You, she and I all enjoy the music.              你我她都喜欢音乐。  4.she可以用来代表国家、船只、大地、月亮等        * We love our motherland, we hope she’ll be stronger and bigger.    我们热爱我们的祖国,我们希望她更强大。        * The ship is leaving. She’s on her first trip to Boston.     轮船要起航了。这是她第一次去波士顿。  5.it作为人称代词时,可以表示天气、距离、时间、环境等     * What’ the weather like today?            – It’s windy.      今天的天气怎么样?- 有风。      * It’s about five minutes’ walk from home to school.     从家到学校的路程大约5分钟。  6.it可作为形式主语,将不定式、动名词等构成的主语后移,使句子显得平稳       * It’s hard to reach the apples.       很难够到苹果。       * It’s good for you taking a walk after supper.       对你来说饭后散步是有好处的。 物主代词   Possessive Pronouns         形容词性     名词性                      my	            mine                      your               yours                      his                   his                      her	             hers                       its                    its                      our                  ours                      your                yours                     their                theirs  1.形容词性物主代词在句中只能作定语   * My brother is a worker.      我弟弟是个工人。   * His parents are very friendly.      他的父母非常友善。  2.名词性物主代词在句中可作表语、主语和宾语    * Whose dictionary is this?         – It’s mine.       这字典是谁的? - 我的。    * Our room is big and theirs is small.       我们的房间大,他们的房间小。    * You may use my pen. I’ll use hers.       你可以用我的笔,我用他的好了。  3.形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的关系:  形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词  注意:名词性物主代词在句中所指代的关系是单数还是复数。   * These books aren't ours. Ours are new.        (our books = ours)   * This is not our room. Ours is over there.         (our room = ours)  4.“of +名词性物主代词”表示所属    * A sister of his is a nurse.       他的一个妹妹是个护士。    * Tom is a friend of mine        我的一个朋友 反身代词     Self Pronouns 单数  myself    yourself    himself    herself    itself 复数  ourselves	     yourselves         themselves  1.反身代词在句中可以作宾语、表语和同位语    * He thinks more of others than of himself.      他想到别人比想到自己更多一些。    * That poor boy was myself.      那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。    * He himself was a doctor.      他本人就是一个大夫。    * I myself can work the problem out.       我能亲自算出这道题  2.反身代词有以下常见搭配      enjoy oneself = have a good time     by oneself = alone    help oneself to…    learn sth. by oneself? =teach oneself sth.    注意:oneself 有单复数之分         * I enjoy myself.          * Children, help yourselves to some fish. 不定代词  Indefinite Pronouns   不是指明代替特定名词(或形容词)的代词   ★ all, each, every, both, either, neither     none, one, little, few, many, much     other, another, some, any, no  ★ 由some, any, no, every 等构成的合成代词  几组在用法上容易混淆的不定代词  1.some/any    ★ some(一些,某)一般用于肯定句中        * There are some flowers in front of the house.  ★ any(一些,任何)多用于疑问句和否定句        * Do you have any picture-books?  注意:some有时也可用于表示请求、征求意见的疑问句中      * Would you like some meat?            你想要些肉吗?      * May I ask some questions?            我可以问问题吗?      * Could I have some apples?            我可以吃苹果吗?        * Will you give me some water?            你能给我些水吗?  2. many/much   ★ many 修饰或指代复数名词       *There are many eggs in the basket.       * Many of us like playing games.   ★ much 修饰或指代不可数名词       * He doesn’t know much English.  3.another/other   ★ another 泛指三个或三个以上中的另一个        * I don’t want this coat. Please show me another.   ★ other 后面接名词,泛指别的、其他的        * Do you have any other questions? 4. the other/others/the others  ★ the other      1. 特指两个中的另一个        * He has two sons. One is a worker, the other is a doctor.     2. 修饰名词,特



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