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教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 初中英语
教育大小:36.0 KB
更新时间:2012-04-08 08:27:49
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S: Have you done your chores? We’re leaving in an hour.
J: I’ve done some of them.         S: Have you packed your bag?
J: It’s in the front hall.             S: Have you said goodbye to Grandma?
J:The telephone was busy.         S: And have you watered the plants yet?
J: Oh, no. I haven’t. I’ll do it now.   S: Have you cleaned your room?
J: Do I need to?                  S: Yes, you do.
J: Okay.                        S: What else? Oh yeah, have you washed the dishes?         
J: It’s your job to wash the dishes.   S: No, it’s your turn.
J: Okay, I’ll do it.              S: One more thing. Have you gotten the mail from the mail box?
J: Look on the table.              S: Thanks.
Fill these blanks one blank one word
1. Have you_____________ your chores?    2. We__________ ____________ in an hour.
3.____________ you ____________goodbye to Grandma? 4.________ you________your room?
5. ________you ________the dishes? 6._________ you____________he mail from the mail box?
It was there!
      It is Sports Day. All the students are very excited. Su Hai and Su Yang are watching the running race. Su Hai wants to take some photos. She is looking for her camera. Su Yang is helping her.
Su Hai:   Look, Su Yang. The boys are running.  It’s very exciting. Let me take some 
          photos. Su Yang, where’s my camera?
Su Yang: It’s in your bag.             Su Hai:   Let me see. No! It isn’t here.
Su Yang: It was there a moment ago. Where is  it now?
Su Hai:  Is it in your bag?           Su Yang: Let me see. Oh, yes, it is.
Su Hai:    Where are the films?     Su Yang: They are in my bag.
Su Hai:    Can I have them, please?
Su Yang: Oh, no! They aren’t in my bag.  They were here just now. Are they  in your bag?
Su Hai:    No, they aren’t          Su Yang: Where are they now?
Su Hai:    Look, they’re on the ground. Can you pick then up for me, please?
Su Yang: Sure!
Ⅰ.Questions about the text:
1. What day is it today?                        2. Where are Su Hai and Su Yang?
3. What are Su Hai and Su Yang doing now?       4. What does Su Hai want to do?
5. Why is Su Yang helping Su Hai?
Ⅱ.Read the sentences. Write T  if the is true. Write F  if the sentence is false.
(  )1. There was a running race.        (  )2. I wanted to take some photos.
(  )3. The camera was in my bag.           (  )4. The films were on the ground
Ⅲ.What does the underlined word in each of the following sentences mean?
1. The boys are running. It’s very exciting.
2. Su Hai: Where’s my camera?            Su Yang: It’s in your bag.
3. Su Hai: Where are the films?          Su Yang: They’re in my bag.
4. Can you pick them up for me, please?   5. Look, they’re on the ground.
Ⅳ.Say in other ways.
1. Su Hai: Is it in your bag?             Su Yang: Let me see. Oh, yes, it is.
2. Su Yang: Where are they now?Su Hai: Look, they’re on the ground. Can 
  you pick them up for me, please?           3. It is Sports Day.
Ⅴ.Read, think and answer.
 Su Hai can’t find her camera and films. Why? 
Children: Hello!                Rose and Tom: Hello!
Yongxian: This is Rose and this is Tom. They are my friends from Britain.
Children: Welcome to our class.   Rose and Tom: Thank you.
Rose: Do some of your classmates come from the other countries?
Yongxian: Yes. We’re from more thacountries.
Tom: What languages do you usually speak at school?
Yongxian: We speak Chinese or English.
Rose: Your classroom is beautiful. It’s bright, clean and tidy.
Yongxian: This classroom is much better than the old one. We like it and clean it every day.
Rose: What time do your classes begin?   Yongxian:At a quarter to eight.
Tom: Then you have to get up earlier than us. What time do you leave school?
Yongxian: At about five.
Rose: Then you leave school later than us. How many pupils are there in your class?
Yongxian: There are forty-five.
Rose: Your class is bigger than ours. There are only thirty pupils in my class. 
Your teachers have a harder job to do.
Tom:I think all teachers are hard-working
Seasons in Canada
I love summer! In summer, 



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