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* * * (Topic 2  Section D 课件) 湘教版八年级上学期  Let’s review what  we mainly learned. If  you get  headaches ofen,                         you need to see a doctor. 头痛  非延续 不连时间段 知识链接 have  延续 可连时间段 行为动词 “需要” 情态动词 “必要” keep away from…        (远离…) We can get into the human body                                          through the nose.  动词词组 进入 基本用法 谓语 时态 非谓语 不定式 动名词 现在分词     要求: 理解时态的用法 , 牢记构成;掌握 非谓语形式的区 别。 介词,穿过(空间或时间) across  穿过(平面) 介词用法 介词+名/代/动名词=介词短语 表 语 状语 宾补 后置定语     Let’s learn  the new words. sausage = sau    + sage 双 音节 /'s?:sid?/ /'s?:/ /sid?/ n.香肠   strawberry = straw    + ber    + ry n.草莓 /b?/ 多 音节 /'str?:/ /ri/   cabbage = cab    + bage /'k?bid?/ 双 音节 /'k?/ /bid?/ n.卷心菜   beef = b    + ee    + f  字母组合 /b/ /i:/ /f/ n.牛肉 /bi:f/     tomato = to    + ma    + to 多 音节 /t?'meit?u/  /t?/ /'mei/ /t?u/ n.西红柿   watermelon = /mel?n/  water    + melon 合成词 /'w?:t?/  n.西瓜   eggplant = egg    + plant 合成词 /'egplɑ:nt/ /'eg/ plɑ:nt n.茄子   potato = po    + ta    + to /p?‘teit?u/  多 音节 /p?/ /'tei/ /t?u/ n.马铃薯   sandwich = sand     +      wich 双 音节 /'s?ndwit?/ /'s?nd/ /wit?/ n.三明治   choose = ch     + oo     + s     + e  字母组合 /t?u:z/ /t?/ /u:/ /z/ /×/ v.选择    He is choosing. wealth = w     + ea     + l     + th  字母组合 /welθ/  /w/ /e/ /l/ /θ/ n.财产 财富     chip /t?ip/ = ch     + i     + p 闭 音节 /t?/ /i/ /p/ n.屑片                         Recite the words  quickly.          Then let’s have  a competition  记分牌 组别 得分 Ⅰ组 Ⅱ组 Ⅲ组 Ⅳ组 0 0 0 0 What’s this  in English? It’s_________.  sausage strawberry cabbage What meat  is this? beef What’s this  in English? It’s a________. tomato watermelon It’s an __________. eggplant What are these  in English They are _________. potatoes What food  is this? It’s________. sandwich Which word can they mean? The word __________. wealth What is  he doing? He’s_______ a book. choosing Read 1a by yourselves.     If you want to know  more,look at the focus.                                                                  As we know,  good health is   more important than health. 众所周知 adj.比较级 意义:A>B 结构 比较级( adj.)+ than 单 一 形 式 并 列 结 构 形 容 词 组 表 语 定 语 宾 补 连词 + 比较 对象 性 质 一 致 知识拓展 As you know      运用方法:分析句子结构    →判断基本句型→连词组句 →考虑时态→句型转换。     比较级可被哪些词修饰?       many much a lot a little    even等 We  must  also  have the right kinds of food.    “也” 用于肯定或疑问句中, 在情态、助动、系动词之后, 行为动词之后。     too  用于肯定或疑问 句中,通常置于句末。      either  用于否定句中,   通常置于句末。 多种… We should eat         more fruit and less meat. many/much  比较级 little 比较级      Different foods help us  in different ways. 在不同方面 It’s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits. 不定式复合结构for sb. to do  形式主语 Let’s do oral practice    How long do you watch  TV every day?                                    提示 词   Less than  2 hours.   I watch TV for less than  2 hours every day.   How long do you watch  TV every day?   2-4 hours.   I watch TV for 2-4 hours every day.  参考范例   How long do you watch  TV every day?   More than  4 hours.  I watch TV for more than  4 hours every day.  分组操练 How often do you eat fruit  and vegetables?  提示 词  Seldom  I seldom eat fruit  and vegetables.  How often do you eat fruit  and vegetables?  often I often eat fruit  and vegetables.  How often do you eat fruit  and vegetables?  never  I never eat fruit  and vegetables.  How long do you usually sleep at night?   More than  10 hours   I usually sleep for more than 10 hours at night.  How long do you usually sleep at night?   less than  7 hours  I usually sleep for less than 7 hoursat night.  How long do you usually sleep at night?   7-10  hours  I usually sleep for 7-10 hours at night. How often do you exercise?  Less than  three  times a week.  I exercise Less than  three times a week.  How often do you exercise?   Three to six  times a week. I exercise three to six  times a week. How often do you exercise?   everyday    I exercise everyday  How often do you eat candy?   Never    I never eat candy.    How often do you eat candy?      Seldom  I seldom eat candy. How often do you eat candy?  often   I often eat candy.   Summary Modal Verbs (Ⅱ) ★ I must ask him to give up smoking. ★You must not throw litter around. ★ 



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