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2010-2011学年度第一学期期末质量检测 .doc
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2010-2011学年度第一学期期末质量检测 .doc介绍

五 (年级)   英语 (学科)试卷
(满分:100分     时间:50分钟)
题号	一	  二	三	四	五	六	七	八	九	十	总分		得分													听力部分(40分)
(   )1. A. cake     B. bike     C. cook
(   )2. A. here     B. near     C. have
(   )3. A. bread    B. hand     C. head
(   )4. A. soup     B. help     C. sweet
(   )5. A. hungry   B. every    C. sorry
(   )6. A. january  B. june     C. july
(   )7. A. what     B. winter   C. winner
(   )8. A. she      B. say      C. he
(   )9. A. clock    B. cook     C. cold
(   )10.A. excuse   B. exercise C. things
听录音,判断下列句子与你听到的内容是( T  )否( F  )相符。(10分)
(   )1.Lingling is going to get up at 6 o`clock. 
(   )2.It`s near the houses. 
(   )3. Amy can run the 400 metres. 
(   )4.There are twelve months in a year. 
(   )5.Liping is talking to his friend.
(   )I want some biscuits. 
(   )Amy loves vegetables .  
(   )Turn on the light,please. 
(   )Daming is making noodles. 
(   )Do you have chopsticks in England?
(   )1. A.  Yes, I can.         B. No, he can`t. 
(   )2.She`s writing a letter.  B. She can take pictures. 
(   )3. A. Yes, it is.          B.Yes, there is. 
(   )4. A. Yes, please.         B.Yes, I do. 
(   )5. Yes, I have.            B.Yes , I do.
(   )1. What are you going to do?           .
(   )2. Can I have some sweets ?               
(   )3. Do you want some rice?               
(   )4. How many birthdays are there in may? 
(   )5. Where`s the station, please?          .
A. Go straight on 
B. Sorry , you can`t.
C. There are five ..
D. Yes ,please.
E. I`m going to swim.
(   )1. —_______you read a letter? 
—Yes ,I _______ . 
A. are are   B. are are    C. are am
(   )2. I can _______  clothes.
A. wash    B. to wash    C. washing
(   )3. Mum _______   cooking fish.
 A.are    B. is     C. am
(   )4. There _______  many stone animals in the park.
A.are    B. is     C. am
(   )5. We are  _______  to play football. 
A. going    B. are going    C. am going 
(   )6. _______  people are there in your family? 
A. How much    B. How many   C.How old
(   )7. This is _______   kite.
A. Tom     B.Toms     C. Tom`s 
(   )8. Do you want some noodles? 
A. Yes, I do.    B. No, thank you.    C. No, please.
(   )9. Sam is going to _______  the 400 metres.
A. runs     B. run    C.to run 
(   )10. Can your father make dumlings? —_______
A. Yes, I can.   B. Yes she can.   C.Yes ,he can. 
1.there, seven, are, birds, tree ,the, in
2.Daming, are, and,  Sam,  playing, chess
3.take, can, Amy, pictures 
4.I`m, visit, going, friends, to, my, tomorrow
5.what, Lingling, is, doing 
单词变脸,用所给单词的正确形式填空. (10分)
1. Mum`s talking to _______(she) friend. 
2. He can _______ (jump) far.
3. Sam and Amy _______ (be) from england.  
4. There are ten _______ (child) in the park .
5. Let`s _______( go) to the park.
6. My sister is _______(do) her homework.
7. I _______(live) in Shanghai. 
8. Do you like _______(swim)? 
9. We  are going to go to _______(ride) bikes this weekend. 
10. She _______(have) lots of interesting books. 
九. 阅读理解,判断对( T )错( F )。(10分)
Hello, I`m Liuqiang. I live near a park. There is a big lake and a hill in the park. Some people are rowing a boat on the lake. Father and I are swimming. Around(环绕着) the lake,there are lots of big tree and flowers. Some old men are doing Taijiquan under the tree. Mum is going to take pictures in the park this weekend.
(   )1. Liuqiang`s house is near a park.
(   )2. There are lots trees and flowers in the park.
(   )3.Liuqiang and his father are rowing a boat .
(   )4.Some old people are playing chess under the tree.
(   )________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2010-2011学年度第一学期期末质量检测 .doc



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