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  A 情景对话 Play the roles
  Set 1
  A: You lent your classmate a novel last month. Now you want to ask him/her to return(归还) it to you.
  B: Your classmate lent you a novel last month. He/she wants it back now, but you haven’t finished it.
  Set 2
  A: You are surprised to see one of your classmates sobbing at his/her desk. You go up to offer(提供) help.
  B: You are sobbing because you have failed your maths exam. Now one of your classmates is asking you why. You may turn to him/her for help.
  Set 3
  A: You think your son/ daughter’s room is in a mess (乱七八糟). You want him/her to clean it up this weekend.
  B: Your father/mother thinks your room is in a mess (乱七八糟). He/She wants you to clean it up this weekend.
  B 朗读儿歌 Read Aloud
  Set 1
  There is nothing more important to life than the sun. Without the sun all living things on the earth would die. The sun is a star. In the sky there are thousands of stars like the sun. At night you can see many stars, but in the day-time you can only see one star--- the sun.
  Set 2
  We all live on the earth. The earth turns round once a day. As it turns, some people see sunrise and day comes to their houses. At the same time people see sunset and night comes to their houses. As the earth goes around in its orbit(轨道), we have four seasons.
  G 看图说话 Talk about the picture
  H 看看说说 Look and say
  D听说相反 Listen and say the opposite
  Set 1
  1) Tom didn’t say anything wrong. (Tom didn’t say anything right.)
  2) We grew up in the same place. (We grew up in different places.)
  3) I remember everything about the professor. (I forget everything about the professor.)
  4) It’s the British actor’s best movie. (It’s the British actor’s worst movie.)
  5) Many people wish to work for him. (Few people wish to work for him.)
  Set 2
  1) It doesn’t look like a terrible dish. (It doesn’t look like a delicious dish.)
  2) She became quiet and next day. (She became noisy the next day.)
  3) Where did you lose your wallet? (Where did you find your wallet?)
  4) Grandpa never talks about his past. (Grandpa always talks about his past.)
  5) Mike is a hard-working shop assistant. (Mike is a lazy shop assistant.)
  E 听听做做 Do what you hear
  Set1 道具:一支铅笔,一叠白纸,一块橡皮
  Are you ready? Now let’s begin.
  1) At the top of the paper, draw a big square.
  2) In the middle of the square, draw a line from the left to the right.
  3) Now erase the top half of the square.
  4) Now it’s a rectangle, isn’t it? Write the letter “W” on the left in the rectangle.
  5) And letter “E” on the right.
  6) Between the letters, write the word “road”: r-o-a-d.
  7) Now draw a line from the bottom of the paper to the rectangle.
  Ok. That’s the end.
  Set 2
  道具:桌子上放一份报纸和一份杂志,报纸下面放三个信封(粉色、蓝色、黄色),杂志上面放两张卡片 注:报纸放在桌子中央
  Are you ready? Now let’s begin.
  1) Pick up all the envelopes under the newspaper.
  2) Now you see, these envelopes are of different colors. Put the yellow envelop on the newspaper.
  3) Put the blue envelope on its left and the pink one on its right.
  4) Pick up a card on the magazine.
  5) Put the card into the envelope in the middle.
  6) Give this envelope to the teacher.
  7) Put the magazine between the pink envelope and blue envelope.
  Ok. That’s the end.
  F 快听快答 Listen and respond quickly
  Set 1
  1) What shape are blackboards? (A rectangle/ Rectangular.)
  2) Which is bigger, a refrigerator or a kettle? (A refrigerator.)
  3) How many wardrobes are there in your room? (One.)
  4) Who wakes you up every morning? (My m



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