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Playing Games 做游戏

You like living in New York, don't you? 你喜欢住在纽约,是吗? 
Oh, I love it. 噢,我喜欢住在纽约。 
It's so convenient. 一切都很方便。 
I can take the bus to work ... 我可以坐公共汽车上班…… 
or the subway ... 或者搭地铁…… 
or a taxi. 或者坐计程车。
And there's so much to do. 而且这儿总是有许多事可做。 
Lots of movie houses, and the theater. 很多电影院,还有剧院。 
I know what you mean. 我懂得你的意思。 
I'd like to live in the city, 我也喜欢住在这。 
but living in New Jersey and the suburbs 但住在New Jersey和郊区 
is better for Michelle. 对 Michelle会好些。 
Trees, grass. 有绿树,有草地。 
There's a lot of good things about suburban living. 郊区生活是有许多优点。 
I grew up in Riverdale, remember? 你记得吗,我就是在Riverdale长大的?
So I know. 所以我了解这些。 
But, as a working woman, 但是就职业妇女来讲, 
I think New York has all the conveniences-- 我觉得纽约具备了一切便利的条件。 
including the best tomatoes. 包括上好的西红柿。
The truth is, I'd like to live in the city. 老实说我也想住到城里来。 
Michelle's the right age. Michelle正处于成长的年龄。 
There are lots of things for her here. 这里有许多适合她的东西。 
You're right, Harry. 你说的对,Harry。 
Today is the perfect example. 今天就是一个很好的例子。
Michelle and her friends are at the aquarium in Brooklyn. Michelle和她的朋友们在参观Brooklyn的水族馆。
They come back here for lunch, 他们回到这儿来吃午饭。 
then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. 然后再往北去自然历史博物馆。 
There's so much for young people to see and do. 这儿有很多可供年轻人看和做的事情。
It's just incredible! 简直是难以置信! 
Not just for young people. 不仅仅对年轻人来说是这样。 
What about me? 对我还不是一样? 
I've never been to the aquarium 我从来没有去过水族馆 
or the Museum of Natural History. 或自然历史博物馆。 
Have you?你呢? 
Oh yes, Harry. 去过了,Harry。  
My mother and father 我父母 
often took us somewhere in the city on the weekends. 经常在周末带我们去城里的一些地方。 
Dad was a busy doctor, 爸爸是个很忙的医生, 
but he usually managed to squeeze a Sunday in 但是他总会设法挤出星期天 
with Richard, Robbie, and me. 和Richard, Robbie及我在一起。 
I used to love to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 我过去很喜欢去大都会美术馆。 
I've been there several times. 我到那儿去过好几次。 
Twice with Michelle. 其中两次是和Michelle去的。 
You ought to think about spending more time with Michelle  你应当考虑多花点时间陪Michelle 
at all the great places in the city. 去城里所有的好地方看看。 
Well, perhaps, 好的,也许,
you'll help me select some of the great places.你能帮我挑一些好地方。
And perhaps, you'll join us? 也许,你能跟我们一起去? 
Perhaps I will. 也许我会吧。 
Well, there we are. 好了,就这样了。 
All set for lunch, Harry. 午餐的一切都准备好了,Harry。 
It looks inviting. 它看起来很令人食欲大开。 
I wish Michelle and her friends would get here. 我希望Michelle和她的朋友很快就到这儿。 
I'm starving, aren't you? 我饿了,你呢? 
I can't wait to take a bite of the pumpernickel. 我简直迫不及待想吃一口黑面包。 
It smells so delicious. 它闻起来好香啊。 
Coming! Coming! 来了!来了! 
Who is it? 是谁呀? 
Michelle. Michelle。 
It's us, Susan. 是我们,Susan。 
Come in, Michelle, 请进,Michelle。 
and bring your friends along. 请带你的朋友们进来。 
We're on the fifth floor. 我们在五楼。 
Oh, you've been here before. 噢,你以前来过的。 
Susan,   Susan, 
I really appreciate 我真的很感谢 
your doing this for Michelle and her friends.  你为Michelle和她的朋友们所做的这些。 
Oh, please, Harry. 噢,别客气,Harry。 
It's nothing. 这没什么。 
I'm not just doing it for Michelle. 我不仅是为 Michelle做这些。 
I'm doing it for you. 也是为你做的。 
Thank you. 谢谢你。 
I'm doing it for us, Harry. 我是为我们大家做的




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