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用木箱包装 to be cased||to be encased
用袋装 to be bagged
用纸箱包装 to be boxed
用席包 to be matted
用捆包 to be baled
包装费另计 casing extra
包装费不另计算 cased free
装箱免费 boxed free
代费免除 bagged free
席包免费 matted free
捆包免费 baled free
出口用包装 packed for export
箱外附铁箍 cases to be iron-hooped
施以铁箍 iron-hooping
施以铁条 iron-banding
用绳捆 roping
鞭打||用藤捆包 caning
情况良好 in good condition||in good order||in good state
情况特别好 in excellent condition
情况差劲 in bad condition
呈腐败状况 in rotten condition
已有发霉现象 in musty condition
已受潮 in wet condition
呈干燥状况 in dry condition
已有破损 in damaged condition
呈受热状况 in heated condition
情况不很完整, 有瑕疵 in defective condition
每箱均须标印唛头,同时加上连续编号。Mark the cases, and number consecutively.
运费及贴补已依照同函决算书交付Scott船长, 付款后所余500美元已记入贵公司借方帐。I have settled the fright and primage with Captain Scott, as per the account enclosed, and have debited you, in your account, $500 for balance paid him.
对下列各件事, 恳请谅解为荷: 至下次开航期间, 仍有四个月之久, 因此包装必需完整,一切海运均须经过西雅图, 再由西雅图转载火车。Please remember that the goods must be extremely well packed as until the opening of navigation some four months hence, and that all the shipments must be made via Seattle, and then train on here.
一切货物均须用内衬马口铁或锡纸的木箱包装, 且外壳必须清楚地标明其内所装物品。The goods are to be packed in tin-lined cases, and the contents of each case clearly marked on the outside.
货物 goods||freight||cargo
运输 transportation||transit||conveyance
运送 to transport||to carry||to convey
运输业 transportation business||forwarding business||carrying trade
运输代理人 a forwarding agent
承运人 a freight agent||a carrier
船务代理人 a shipping agent
陆上运输 transportation by land
海上运输 transportation by sea
货物运输 goods traffic||freight traffic||carriage of freights||carriage of goods
货轮 cargo boat||freighter||cargo steamer||cargo carrier
火车 goods-train||freight-train
卡车 goods-van||goods wagon||freight car||truck
运费率 freight||freight rates||goods rate
运费 carriage charges||shipping expenses||express charges
车费 cartage||portage
运费预付 carriage prepaid||carriage paid
运费到付 carriage forward||freight collect
运费免除||免费 carriage free
协定运费 conference freight||freight rate
运费清单 freight account
托运单 way-bill||invoice
运送契约 contract for carriage
装运 shipment||loading
装上货轮 to ship||to load||to take on a ship
装运费 shipping charges||shipping commission
装运单||载货单 shipping invoice
装运单据 shipping documents
大副收据 mate's receipt
装船单 shipping order
提货单 delivery order||dandy note
装船通知 shipping advice
包裹收据 parcel receipt
准装货单 shipping permit
租船契约 charter party
租船人 charterer
程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter
期租船 time charter
允许装卸时间 lay days||laying days
工作日 working days
连续天数 running days||consecutive days
滞期费 demurrage
滞期日数 demurrage days
速遣费 despatch money
空舱费 dead freight
退关 short shipment||goods short shipped||goods shut out||shut-outs
赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity||trust receipt
装载 loading
卸货 unloading||discharging||landing
装运重量 shipping weight||in-take-weight
卸货重量 landing weight
压舱 ballasting
压舱货 in ballast
舱单 manifest
船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry
航海日记 ship




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