本文档由实惠网外贸论坛整理,实惠网外贸论坛是个很不错的外贸论坛,里面整理了很多外贸资料,包括:外贸英语资料、外贸流程资料、实惠网免费培训资料、外贸其他类型的相关资料下载。实惠网外贸论坛网址是:http://max.book118.com 免费提供一个外贸平台给大家,SFYH,一个很不错的外贸平台,SFYH三月份新版本刚刚上线,开发了许多新的功能。网址是:http://max.book118.com 先生: 从贵国驻北京的大使馆(embassy)的商务参赞处获悉,贵公司是一家食品(foodstuff)出口商。作为一家专营罐装食品(canned food)的零售商(retailer),我们特致函贵方,希望能建立贸易关系。 从贵方的通函(circular)中我们了解到你们可以供应各种罐装食品,如能提供给我们最新的价格单以及插图目录,不胜感激。 如你方供货价格优惠,质量上乘,我们将大量订购。 盼早复。 此致 Dear Sirs, Your company has been introduced to us by Commercial Counselor’s Office of your embassy in Beijing as prospective buyers of arts & crafts. In order to introduce our products to the Middle East, we are writing to you in the hope of establishing trade relations. The main line of our business covers the export of chinaware of superb quality, fashionable design and competitive price, which enjoys a good reputation all over the world. For your information, we are enclosing an illustrated catalogue and the latest. Samples and quotations will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiries. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, 从ABC公司处得知你公司供应毛衫。 正如你们所知,我们是经营此类商品已有多年的国营公司。 请寄给我们关于你方新产品的小册子。 如果你方价格具有竞争力并且装方式可以接受的话,我们打算下一笔大订单。 我们有意获得你方新产品的商品目录及价目单。 We learn from ABC Co. that you are one of the suppliers of sweaters. As you know, we are a state-owned enterprise dealing with this kind of articles for many years. Please send us your brochure on your latest products. If your price is competitive and the terms of payment is acceptable, we will place a large order. We would like the catalogue and price list of your latest products. 1. Please reply as soon as possible, 说明最早装船期和付款条件。 2. If you are interested, please cable us, 说明所需数量。 3. We cabled you yesterday, 报你2000公斤核桃仁(walnutmeat),5月船期。 4. Please reply as soon as possible ,告知我们必要的详细情况。 5. We cabled you today, 向你订购5000打自来水钢笔(fountain pen)。 6. We wrote you last week, 要求你们寄来你们最近的价目表。 7. Please quote us your lowest price, 说明支付条款和包装情况 KEY:1.Please reply as soon as possible, stating the earliest date of shipment and the terms of payment. 2. If you are interested, please cable us, indicating the quantity you require. 3. We cabled you yesterday, offering you 2,000 kilos walnutmeat for shipment during May. 4. Please reply as soon as possible, giving us all necessary information. 5. We cabled you today, placing with you an order for 5,000 dozen fountain pens. 6. We wrote you last week, asking you to send us your latest price list. 7. Please quote us your lowest price, stating the terms of payment and packing condition 1. 你们在本月《中国对外贸易》( “China Foreign Trade”)上所刊登的广告,我们很感兴趣,现请告知该商品的详细情况。 2. 一旦收到你方具体询盘,我们将立即给你们报最优 惠的拉格斯(Lagos)到岸价。 3. 如果你们第一笔运来的货令人满意,随后将有大批续订。 4. 按照你方要求,我们报50公吨大豆的实盘如下,以(自本日起)一周之内你方复到为准。 5. 我们可以从现货中供应你3000打“天坛”牌男衬衫。 6. 如果你公司能将9月3日的报价单的价格降低3%,则我公司将乐意接受你们的报价 1. We are very much interested in the advertisement in this month issue of “China Foreign Trade”. Please inform us of the details of this commodity. 2. Upon receipt of your specific enquires, we will quote you the