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contrast, the Japanese seem to be able to produce  consumer goods(消费品) with a high content of advanced electronics such as video recorder, televisions and  cameras etc. Specialization(专业化) reduces production costs(生产成本) and international trade is able to pass on  this benefit to the consumers of all nations, in addition to  widening the range from which they may choose goods  and services.       For example, exporting to some countries is made almost impossible by deliberate(故意的) government  intervention(干预). Despite GATT(replaced by WTO in 1995) and the many annual economic summits(经济峰会) that have taken place since GATT began in 1946, these  countries still continue to “break the rules” and “play  dirt(利用不正当手段行事)” even when the world’s economic  doors are open to them for the sale of their video recorders, TVs,hi-fi’s, cars and motorcycles etc.      At the tenth annual economic summit in London in 1984, part 9 of the ten-point action program agreed upon, read as follows:      “To urge all the trading countries(贸易国), industrialized and developing alike, to resist continuing protectionist (贸易保护的)pressure, to reduce barriers to trade and to make renewed efforts to liberalize(使自由化) and expand international trade in commodities and services.”   Protection Could Spark Trade War     The United States and other big countries are  promoting the advantages of free trade while moving to protect weak industries at a pace that undermines 暗中破坏,逐渐损害;在...下挖坑道) their rhetoric(运用语言 的技能,辩术;花言巧语).      The global economic downturn(经济滑坡) and  collapsing(价格暴跌) prices of many commodities are  Contributing protectionist(贸易保护制的) actions---and  Retaliatory (报复的) responses --- by governments  around world. Setting the tone, some analysts assert (断言宣称), is the United States.      “The more the big economies like US and the  European Union a countries appear protectionist, the  more developing countries feel justified in doing the    same thing,” warns British economist Cliff Stevenson. “The danger is there will be a domino(政治用语:指一个倒, 全部倒;牵一发动全身) effect(多米诺骨牌效应).”      When US President Bush met with European leaders, he tried to prevent a trade war over his 30 per cent  steel tariffs.      The US has plenty of company. From Brazil to India, governments are responding to growing pressure to  come to the aid of (援助)industries that winding  up on the losing end of (最终成为失败的一方)trade Liberalization(贸易自由化). Increasingly, they  are seeking relief (援助) under safeguard provisions  (保障条款)that ive hard-hit (遭受重创的) domestic  producer a timeout (比赛:暂停)from global competition.         Anti-dumping rules allow a country to impose  Punitive(惩罚性的) tariffs(关税) if foreign companies  flood its markets with goods priced at less than the  cost of production.        According to a recent analysis, protectionist activity reached “unprecedented (前所未有的)level” last year  with 24 countries starting a record 348 anti-dumping  investigations, 53 safeguard actions and 27 anti- subsidy (补贴) inquiries.      The United States and India were most aggressive users. Other anti-dum




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