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7.2   1  Read the passage and do 2 and 3            some information in the invoice and papers                            (for reference only) seller(in this case when only refer to as the seller and buyer)=consigner(卖方=发货人)  consignee=buyer:  (受货人=买方)  Vat : a tax added to the price of an article,and paid by the         buyer to the seller,who then pays it to the government Payment against sight draft:见汇票即付 ASAP /asap: as soon as possible       汇票 sight draft sight bill demand draft demand bill:                 These are the same one that is payable on sight of the documents or on first presentation of the title documents to him by his bank. 即期汇票   指付款人在见票(at sight)、提示(on presentation)或要求(on demand)时即付款的汇票  7.3   B  Work in pair to do file 18 (seller)                and file 48 (buyer)  C  Answer the letter from Julio      Martinez you received three days      after you contacted him Model letter or fax                                  Frigorifico  Ameglio  S.A. Colonia  1023 Montevideo Uruguay 20 February 2003  Ref: Customer No: 645  Dear Mr Martinez,  Account No. 645/A6D/03764   Invoice No.04276  We refer to your letter of 14 February 2003,concerning the payment of Invoice No. 04276.      FINNTEC         P.O. Box 325                                                                       SF-33200 Tampere              FINLAND As you state in your letter, the sum of $81,648.00 was incorrectly entered into the invoice.   Since our accounts department has recently received new computing equipment we can only conclude that the error occurred before the program had been fully tested.  The correct amount due for the 25 gross actually delivered is $5,832.00. This means the difference now due is $648.00.  We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused you and look forward to doing further business with you in the future.  Yours sincerely,  G. Aaltio  G. Aaltio Accounts Department 7.3  D  draft a confirmation to buyer, Mr Julio Martinez for             receiving his letter according to file 85(指出错误说明欠款). Original quoted goods at $1.6 each, now changed to $1.8 Finntec hasn’t received the payment The`seller ---Finntec delivered 25 instead of 35, but billed 35 Accounts Department of buyer SA paid 25 at $1.6 each      $1.6x25=$5760          $5760-$5760x10% (discount)=$5184 (in total) The seller billed 35 at new price $1.8 each,so:      $1.8x35=$9072      $9072-S9072x10%(discount) =$8164.8(in total) According to Julio Martinez---the buyer later      decimal error invoice: $81648 Virtually,correct sum for 25 at the new price       =$1.8x25-$1.8x25x10%=$6480-$6480x10%=$5832         $5832-5184=684           FINNTEC         P.O. Box 325                                                                       SF-33200 Tampere              FINLAND  Frigorifico  Ameglio  S.A. Colonia  1023 Montevideo Uruguay 20 February 2003  Ref: Customer No: 645  Dear Mr Martinez,  Account No. 645/A6D/03764  As you requested we are acknowledging in writing the payment made on the sum outstanding.  We thank you for your remittance of $ 648.00.  Once




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