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下面是姚瑶提供的一些比较实用的外贸英语函电范文,希望给有需要写函电的外贸朋友一些帮助,建议外贸新手去我们的外贸心得交流版块(http://max.book118.com/forum-8-1.html )将别人的经验及教训转化成自己的,让自己少走弯路,早日成功。
Unit 1   Features in Language and Ways in Writings of Business English Letters
1. Function of a business letter
a. to get or to convey business information   b. to make or to accept an offer
c. to deal with various businesses.   d. inform or remind counterpart of a certain thing and to ask the counterpart to act according to the rules stimulated in what is written.
2. Writing Principles and Language Features
Language Features:flowery, plain,clear,concrete,wordy,complete,concise,general affected words (make readers feel not natural)   courtesy   correct  florid style   consideration  stiff
Language Features
Different kind of practical English writing has different layout, tone and style. Business English writing, is the model of practical language. It is required to express your own views accurately in plain language that is very clear and is readily understood, and catch the readers’ attention and persuade the readers into believing what you said. Writing naturally and sincerely is to reveal your true  feelings between lines and try to avoid the affected words and florid style with little content. As a writer, you should also learn to use polite language and be considerate to your readers.
Rewrite the following sentences
1. we acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 10 and wish to accept your conditions.
We are pleased to say that we can accept your conditions in your letter of February10.
2. We received your letter of May 5. Here is a copy of our price list you asked for.
Here is our price list you asked for in your letter of May 5.
3. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us in case you have any question.
Please let us know if you have any question.
4. Allow us to state that we sincerely hope you will give your careful consideration to our proposal.
We hope you will consider our proposals.我们希望你方能考虑我方建议。
5. We hope you will be able to make us a competitive offer to enable us to conclude some business.
We hope you will make us a competitive offer 
6. Samples will be sent and offers will be made upon receipt of your specific enquiries.
Samples will be sent and offers made upon receipt of your specific enquiries.
7. Thank you for your quotation dated 5/9/03. we intend to place a trial order with you .
Thank you for your quotation dated September 5, 2003. we intend to place a trial order with you.
外贸书信中, 无论是位于书信中的封内地址和名称前Date 栏,还是书信正文中出现的年月,均不能用数字代替,否则容易产生误会,特别是月份不宜用缩写,一般用全称。
8. We will promptly reply to all enquiries.
Your enquiries will be answered promptly.
9. If this change is desired, it would be necessary that the attached form be signed and dated.
If you want this change, we must sign and date the attached form.
10. We do not believe you will have cause for dissatisfaction.
We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied.
11. The goods can b




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