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教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 初中英语
教育大小:181 KB
更新时间:2012-05-07 08:34:50
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1.What is Simon doing?
2.Where are they now?
3.Which picture are they talking about?
4.How much will the woman pay for the tickets?
.8       		B.12     			C.$20
5.What s Mollie like?
A.She is always late.B.She is always hungry. C.She is creative.
6.Who does the cleaning work in the girl's family?
A.The girl herself.B.Her mother.    C.Her father.
7.How long will Mr Smith's speech be?
A.One hour.       B.Two hours.      C.Three hours.
8.What are the speakers doing now?
A.Seeing a film at the cinema.
B.Watching a film on T at home.
C.Sleeping at home.
9.What does the man mean?
A.Millie didn't do her homework well.
B.Nancy's homework is better than Millie's.
C.Nancy's homework is worse than Millie's.
10.What will the man do tonight?
A.Watch "This is it".B.Call Daniel.  C.Play computer games.
11.What does the woman do?
A.A worker in the library. B.A book seller.  C.A writer.
12.Why does the man need the book?
A.It's interesting,so he wants to read it.
B.He wants to have it as a birthday present.
C.He needs to find a piece of paper in the book.
13.Where are they speaking now?
A.At the train station.B.On the street.   C.On the train.
14.What is the woman's father's train number?
A.D 10.         B.D 72.         C.D 68.
15.Why is the train late?
A.Because of the heavy fog.
B.Because of the heavy snow.
C.Because of the flood.
16.What is Nick like?
A.Stubborn.     B.Impatient.     C.Humorous.
17.Where was Nick playing one day?
A.In front of his own house.
B.In his house.
C.In front of someone else's house.
18.What would Nick like to be when he grows up?
A.A soldier on the ship.
B.A top swimmer.
C.An engineer for designing ships.
19.How often did Nick go swimming last summer?
A.Every day.      B.Once a week.   C.Twice a week.
20.Which sentence is WRONG about Nick?
A.He is eleven.
B.He has very good eyesight.
C.He is a good swimmer now.
21.Excuse me,but you are standing in my way.
.A.Thank you     B.I'm sorry    C.It doesn't matter   D.That's all ight
22.I don't have any close friends to talk to,so I often feel.
A.confident      B.happy       C.lonely          D.angry
23.Millie is so kind.I'm sure if you ask her for help,she won't.
A.refuse        B.accept       C.agree           D.reply
24.Mr Wu told the students  in class.
A.to not shout          B.not to shout
C.don't shout           D.not shouting
25.I often doubt  it is worth working so hard.
A.that        B.whether       C.what    D.why
26.My favourite charity is because it helps governments and families make the world a better place for children.
A.ORBIS      B.OXFAM      C.UNICEF        D.WTO
27.While Millie a magazine,Andy entered the room.
A.was reading    B.read      C.had read        D.reads
28.Is John really ill? 
- __________. He is still in hospital now.
A.I don't think so               B.I'm not sure
C.I don't agree with you         D.I'm afraid so
29.Is __________here today?
-No,Mr Wu.Sally isn't here today.
A.everybody    B.anybody     C.somebody        D.nobody
30.You arrive on time so that you won't miss anything.
A.must         B.have to      C.can             D.had better
31.Would you like a cup of coffee?
-Yes,please. ,could you put some milk in it?
A.At times      B.Never mind  C.By the way      D.In all
32.There' re many planes in this museum,and the oldest plane was France.
A.from         B.in          C.about            D.by
33.Why not try your best to help people in need?
A.a            B.an         C.the             D.34.People over 18 can group into a team of four and join this charity.
A.them         B.themselves  C.they           D.theirs
35.What is your favourite__________ ?
-Orange,because it represents joy and can make me feel warm.
A.fruit         B.subject     C.colour          D.sport
Simon was a tall,thin boy about fourteen   36   old.Like most boys in their teens,he was either very h



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