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北京四中2010—2011 学年第一学期初二英语期中测试题及答案 
                        (考试时间100 分钟 试卷满分100 + 10 分) 
第一部分:选择性试题 (共67 分) 
     一、听力。(共10 分)略。 
     二、单项选择。(每题1 分,共15 分) 
     11. His voice __________ strange on the phone. 
     A. heard          B. felt        C. listened         D. sounded 
     12. Lucy is a __________ girl from America. 
     A. ten-years-old            B. ten-year-old 
     C. ten years-old            D. ten years old 
     13. ___ you take an umbrella with you? The radio says it’s going to rain this afternoon. 
     A. Why not           B. What about          C. Why don’t           D. How about 
     14. Don’t forget __________my dictionary tomorrow morning. 
     A. to return         B. returning         C. to give         D. giving 
     15. Elvis Presley has sold more than two __________ records all his life. 
     A. billion         B. billion of        C. billions of        D. billions 
     16. – Have you __________ been to the UK? 
          – Yes, I __________ there two years ago. 
     A. yet; have visited            B. yet; visited 
     C. ever; have visited           D. ever; visited 
     17. The girl in blue is sitting __________ the window. 
     A. with          B. of         C. by         D. over 
     18. She feels __________ because all the kids have left home. 
     A. serious         B. lonely         C. lost         D. alone 
     19. It __________ him a few nights to prepare for the exam. 
     A. made           B. spent          C. took         D. paid 
     20. – Is your father at home? 
          – Sorry, he isn’t in. He __________ to the park. 
     A. gone          B. went          C. goes          D. has gone 
     21. When I arrived at his office, he __________ on the phone. 
     A. was speaking           B. spoke          C. is speaking          D. speak 
     22. The computer is very important in our life, __________ it? 
     A. isn’t         B. doesn’t          C. wasn’t         D. hasn’t 
     23. Astronauts take the __________ to go to Mars. 
     A. satellite        B. space shuttle          C. plane         D. airport shuttle 
     24. They finished their work and went home __________ of the day. 
     A. in the end          B. at the end         C. by the end         D. on the end 
     25. – Do you know ―samba‖? I like it very much. It excites me every time I … 
          – __________! Let’s talk about something else. 
     A. It sounds brilliant           B. Guess what 
     C. Give us a break                  D. I see 
     三、完形填空。(每题1 分,共12 分) 
     Sally likes to dive for treasure (潜水寻宝). She and Matthew dived together many times. 
There was only one      26   . The waters in which they dived were full of sharks. So one of them 
was watching for sharks while      27     dived. 
     One day Matthew was        28     the bottom. Sally swam on top with another diver named 
David.     29    she saw a huge shadow (影子) in the water. It was a shark, and it was heading 
straight for David! 
     What should she do? She was afraid to shout a warning to David. It might        30     him, and 
he might start splashing (溅水). Sally knew the shark would be attracted by splashing. 
     There was only one thing to do. She must tell David about the shark in a     31     way. Then, 
perhaps, he could swim away       32   . The shadow was huger now. Sally’s       33    was in her 
mouth, but she swam over to David. In a quiet voice she told him, ―There is a shark behind you.  
Don’t splash. Swim to the boat—fast!‖  
     David     34    with his face pale, but he did not splash. They    35    for the boat. Sally 
looked quickly over her shoulder. The shark was right behind them. They reached the boat just in 
time. She and David      36    themselves up. The jaws of the sh



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