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闪淳昌简介     闪淳昌,国务院参事,国家减灾委员会专家委副主任,原国家安全生产监督管理局副局长,教授级高工。是《安全生产法》及多项安全法规标准主要起草人,主持过多起特大事故的调查处理工作,如“5.7”空难、“11.24”海难、哈尔滨“2.2”特大火灾等。在安全生产领域具有丰富的理论知识和实践经验,在国内外具有很强的影响力。       2003年以来,担任国务院办公厅应急预案工作小组副组长,负责国家突发公共事件总体应急预案和25件专项预案、80件部门预案的编制和审核工作。组织完成的《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》和105个专项及部门预案以及各省(区、市)的应急预案,标志着中国应急预案框架体系已初步形成,有力推动了全国应急预案体系和应急体制、机制、法制的建设。 Introduction to Shan Chunchang       Mr. Shan Chunchang, a professor, a senior engineer, a consultant from the State Council, vice director of Specialist Committee of the National Disaster Mitigation Commission, and the former director of the National Production Safety and Supervision. He took the lead in the development of Safe Production Law and many other codes and standards relating to safe production and directed investigation and disposition of many catastrophic incidents such as the air crash on May 7, the sea disaster on November 24 and the catastrophic fire on February 2. Mr. Shan is a specialist with rich knowledge and experiences and exerts great influence in safe production both home and abroad. Since 2003, he has been in charge of the Emergency Rescue Plan Group under the Office of the State Council to develop and exanimate the overall emergency incidents plan, 25 special plans and 80 divisional plans. Under his direction, the Overall National Emergency Incident Plan and 105 special, divisional and provincial plans were completed, which is a milestone in the construction of the system and framework of national emergency rescue plans and legal development.  中国的公共安全与应急管理对策 国务院应急管理专家组组长 Leader of Emergency Rescue Plan Group under the Office of the State Council 国家减灾委专家委员会副主任 Vice Director of Specialist Committee of the National Disaster Mitigation Commission 国务院参事 Consultant from the State Council 闪淳昌教授 Professor Chunchang Shan 5th June 2007                2007年6月5日 一、中国的公共安全 Public Security in China 二、构建和谐社会中的中国应急管理 Building emergency response system in China 三、迎接新挑战开创新局面 Meet new challenge and create new phase 一、中国的公共安全 Public Security in China (一)经济发展社会稳定 Economic development and stable society (二)公共安全形势依然严峻 Situation of public security  is still grim (三)切实加强应急管理工作 Strengthen emergency management  (一)经济发展社会稳定 Economic development and stable society 成功战胜非典疫情 Successful fight against atypical pneumonia 战胜了各种重大自然灾害 Overcome various kinds of major natural disasters  生产安全事故造成的死亡人数总体呈下降趋势 Downward trend of overall death toll caused by production accidents 国内生产总值年均增长9.5%  Average GDP increase rate: 9.5% 五年城镇新增就业4200万人  42 millions newly urban employment 五年转移农村劳动力4000万人  40 millions transfer of rural labor force 城镇登记失业率4.2%  Registered urban unemployment rate: 4.2% 一次死亡10人以上重特大事故 Severe accident(2000-2006) (二)公共安全形势依然严峻 Grim Situation of public security       我们这个民族在历史上灾难太深重了,这就培育了我们的忧患意识,生存意志和追求和平发展的愿望。      China has suffered a lot in history, and this has cultivated our will to face the hardship, to survive and to chase peaceful development.         我们这个国家太大,问题太多、太复杂,这就要求我们这个民族不畏艰险、百折不挠、坚定信心、永远奋斗。      As a big country, China has too much complicated problems, and this has se




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