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北京大学2004年博士研究生入学考试试题2006-08-16 10:56:00 
Part One???????? Listening Comprehension (略)
Part Two? Structure and Written Expression
? Directions: In each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (20%)
41. The beauty of the reflected images in the limpid pool was the poignant beauty of things that are__________, existing only until the sunset.
A. equitable?????????????????? B. ephemeral???????????????? C. euphonious?????????????? D. evasive
42. Brooding and hopelessness are the__________of Indians in the prairie reservations most of the time.
A. occupations??? ????????????? B. promises????????? C. frustrations?????? ? D. transactions
43. What__________about that article in the newspaper was that its writer showed an attitude cool enough, professional enough and, therefore, cruel enough when facing that disaster-stricken family.
A. worked me out?? B. knocked me out? ???????? C. brought me up?? ???? D. put me forward
44. __________considered the human body aesthetically satisfactory.
A. Neither prehistoric cave man nor late-industrial urban man
B. Nor prehistoric cave man or late-industrial urban man
C. No prehistoric cave man nor late-industrial urban man
D. Neither prehistoric cave man or late-industrial urban man
45. Not until the 1980's__________in Beijing start to find ways to preserve historic buildings from destruction.
A. some concerned citizens
B. some concerning citizens
C. did some concerning citizens
D. did some concerned citizens
46. The buttocks are__________most other parts in the body.
A. likely less to cause fatal damage than
B. likely less causing fatal damage to
C. less likely to cause fatal damage than
D. less likey to cause fatal damage to
47. The concept of internet,__________has intrigued scientists? since the mid-20th century.
A. the transmission of images, sounds and messages over distances
B. transmitting of images, sounds and messages along distances
C. to transmit images, sounds and messages on distance
D. the transmissibility of images, sounds and messages for distances
48. Because of difficulties in getting a visa, the students had to__________the idea of applying for study in the United States.A. reduce????????? B. yield????????? ?????? C. relinquish??????? D. waver
49. His request for a day off__________by the manager of the company.
A. was turned off????? B. was turned down??? C. was put down???? D. was put away
50. The index of industrial production__________last year.
A. raised up by 4 per cent????????????????????????? B. rose up with 4 per cent
C.arose up with 4 per cent?????????? ???????????? D. went up by 4 per cent
51. Please__________if you ever come to Sydney.
A. look at me??????????????? B. look me up?????????????? C. look me out???????????????????? D. look to me
52. British hopes of a gold medal in the Olympic Games suffer




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