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人教版 七年级下册 第六单元Section B.ppt
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人教版 七年级下册 第六单元Section B.ppt介绍

Let’s sing a song! 今天你要和同学去公园,和妈妈商量要 穿什么衣服: A: It’s ….  Can I wear my…? B: Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. 2b. Listen again. Write what Maria and Sam answer to “What are you doing?” and “How’s the weather?” Language Points 1. Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The      World show.   感谢你参加中央电视台的《世界各地》节目。  1) thank sb. for sth. 因为某事而感谢某人。 如:  Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。  Thank you for helping us. 谢谢你帮助了我们。  for是介词, 如果其后是动词要用-ing形式。  2)CCTV’s 中央电视台的    名词+’s 是名词所有可格, 表示所有关系。  e.g. the girl’s pen 这个女孩的钢笔  the teacher’s office 老师的办公室     Women’s Day 妇女节   一般有生命力的东西后用“’s” 表示所有格, 但 习惯上有的表示时间、距离、国家、城市等 无生命的名词也可以用这种表示所有格: e.g. today’s newspaper 今天的报纸      Beijing’s streets 北京的街道   ten minutes’ walk 十分钟的步行  多数情况下用“of +名词”这种所有格:  the map of China 中国地图     the door of the classroom 教室的门  3. Some people are taking photos.      Others are lying on the beach.  1) take photos   “照相”     take a photo of sb/ sth  给某人某物照相。 如: Please take a photo of my baby.        请给我的孩子照一张相吧。 2) other, others  other  “别的, 其他的”。相当于一个形容词, 作定语, 后通常有一个名词。如:  What other animals can you see?  你还能看见什么动物? Other students are cleaning the room.  其他学生在打扫房间。 others  “别的(人或物), 其他的(人或物)”。 相当于一个名词, 后不再接名词。如: He always thinks of others. 他总是为别人着想。 some…others… 一些……另一些……。如: Some students like singing. Others like dancing. 一些学生喜欢唱歌, 另一些喜欢跳舞。 the other与the others 区别与前面相同。 加定冠词后表特指某一范围的人或物。如: There are 32 students in our class. Two boys  are Americans, the others are Chinese.  我们班有32位学生, 有两位男孩是美国人, 其余的都是中国人。 3) lie 平躺, lying是它的现在分词。     Lie on the beach. 躺在海滩上。     beach 海滩; 沙滩。复数加-es。     Two beaches 两个海滩。 4. Look at this group of people playing beach      volleyball.    看这群正打沙滩排球的人。  1) a group of 一群……, 作主语时谓语动词用     单数形式。如:    A group of students is reading. 一群学生正在读书。  2) playing beach volleyball 是现在分词短语作定语,     放被修饰词后, 注意与句子区别。如:    Some people are playing basketball.     一些人正在打篮球。(句子)    some people playing basketball    一些正打篮球的人。(短语) Exercise  Lucy _____ China is my friend. 来自中国的露西是我的朋友。 A. is from B. from C. does from  D. comes from The boy _________ (write ) is Dave.  正在写字的孩子是大卫。   There is a great deal of evidence ___ that music activities engage different parts of the brain.                                                                   (2009  浙江)     A. indicate         B. indicating     C. to indicate     D. to be indicating  At the beginning of class, the noise of the desks___  could be heard outside the classroom.                                                               (2007 全国Ⅱ)    A. opened and closed    B. to be opened and closed    C. being opened and closed    D. to open and close  5. They look cool. 他们看起来很酷。 look “看起来”, 是一个连系动词。 后只能接形容词作表语。如: They look very happy. 他们看起来很高兴。 Linda looks young. 琳达看起来很小。 学过的连系动词还有: be 动词、sound(听起来) That sounds good. 那听起来不错。 6. I am surprised that they can play in this heat.      我很惊讶他们能在这么热的天玩。 1) be surprised 后可接: 句子、 at sth、  to do sth  都表示“对……感到惊奇”。如: I am surprised he is a policeman.  我很惊奇他是一位警察。 He is surprised at you. 他对你的行为感到惊讶。 We are surprised to meet him on the street.  我们很惊讶在街上遇到了他。 to one’s surprise 令某人惊奇的是……, 如: To my surprise, he is coming.  令我惊奇的是, 他居然来了。 2) in this heat “在这种热度下”, 注意用介词“in”。 7. The people are really very relaxed.      人们真的很放松。 be relaxed  “放松; 轻松”, 常用人作主语。如: After the weekends, we are all relaxed.  经过一个周末, 我们全都很轻松。 8. scarf  “围巾”, 复数为: scarfs 或 scarves.  9. But everyone is having a good time.  1) everyone 每人, 人人。作主语时, 谓语动词     用单数形式。如:     Everyone is here. 大家都在这儿。     Everyone has his own name.     每人都有自己的名字。  2) have a good time 玩得高兴; 过得愉快。     = have fun      = enjoy + 反身代词。 如:    We are having a good time in the park.     我们在公园里玩得很高兴。    = We are having fun in the park.     = We are enjoying ourselves in the park.  have a good + 其他名词, 表“……愉快、高兴”。 如: have a good trip 旅途愉快。 Have a good summer vacation 暑假愉快。 根据所给的中文提示, 写一篇小短文, 60词左右。  夏季的杭州, 天气炎热。街上的人很多, 他们          穿着T恤衫或裙子, 有的在购物, 有的在闲逛 (hang out), 老人们都在公园的树下打牌 (play cards)或聊天。看起来他们都很开心。     2. There are many people here on vacation.      on vacation  在度假, 美国英语习惯用语。     summer vacation 暑假       winter vacation 寒假     holiday “假
人教版 七年级下册 第六单元Section B.ppt



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