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人教版(新目标)初中七下Unit4 I want to be an actor.ppt
教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 初中英语
教育大小:1.10 MB
更新时间:2012-05-03 08:34:36
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人教版(新目标)初中七下Unit4 I want to be an actor.ppt介绍

   A: Betty,  what _____ your father _____?   B: He’s a doctor.   A: Do you _____ to _____ a doctor?   B: Oh, no, I want ____ _____a teacher.   A: What does your mother do, then?   B: She _____ a shop assistant.   A: ______ ______ she work?   B: She works in a shop.   A: What about your brother?   B: He ___ a  student .He _____ to be             a policeman.  a policeman Is he/she a/an …?  a reporter Is he/she a/an …?  Ask and answer. A:What does he do? A: What does he want to be? B: He wants to be an actor. B: He works in a restaurant. A: Where does he work? B: He  is a waiter.     What does …do?  He/She is a… Where does …work? He/She works… What does he/she want to be? He/She wants to be a/an … Lily Mr Wang Miss Chen Alan  CCTV Ask and answer about your partners’ family. bank clerk TV station reporter Bill’s father  Wants to be Work place Job Name Report: Bill’s … is a/an …            He works in …           He wants to be a/an… does do want be to be is Where does wants is * * * * * *   Unit4  I want to be an actor. * * *    Unit 4-1  I want to be an actor.      A: 1a, 1b, 1c 淘课件网-免费提供课件、教案、试题、论文、计划、总结、说课、反思、手抄报、等资源.并且所有资料无须注册免费下载.  淘课件网是您永远的学习伴侣! http://max.book118.com/soft/197/list197_1.html 如需更多七年级英语课件请 用上面的地址免费下载 a student --What does he do? --He is …  a teacher school --What does she do? --She is … --Where does she work? --She works in a … an actor an actress a waitress a waiter in a restaurant  a shop assistant supermarket shop a  bank clerk bank  a policewoman in a police station  a policeman policemen policewomen in a hospital a nurse a doctor a reporter in a TV station CCTV jobs student teacher actor actress waiter bank clerk waitress shop assistant policewoman policeman doctor nurse reporter work places bank  school TV station police station restaurant supermarket shop hospital bank shop TV station police station hospital Match the jobs with the work places : restaurant 1a Match the words  and the pictures. 1.shop assistant___ 2.doctor___ 3.actor____ 4.reporter___ 5.policeman ___ 6.waiter___ 7.bank clerk ___ 8.student ___  f b h c a d e g 1 2 3 1b Listen and number the people [1-3] in the pictures. Listen and say the months in a year. Let’s play a guessing game. a student Is he/she a/an …?  a waiter Is he/she a/an …?  a nurse Is he/she a/an …?  
人教版(新目标)初中七下Unit4 I want to be an actor.ppt



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