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新目标初二英语unit 2Section B.ppt
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更新时间:2012-04-08 08:27:49
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新目标初二英语unit 2Section B.ppt介绍

Unit 2 What’s the matter? But people who are too stressed out and  angry may have too much yang. Chinese  doctors believe that they should eat more  yin foods like tofu. It’s easy to have a  healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to  eat a balanced diet.  Explanation  1. Traditional Chinese doctors believe      we need a balance of cooling yin and      yang to be healthy.     传统中医认为我们需要通过阴阳调     和来保持健康。 1) a balance of……平衡     keep a balance of 保持一个…平衡     keep a balance of nature     保持自然(生态)平衡。 2) be healthy, keep healthy, stay healthy     都是保持健康的意思。      healthy是形容词, 其名词形式为      health.  2. Maybe you have too much yin.  1) maybe 副词 “也许, 可能“, 相当于perhaps, 常用于句首。      may be 意思是“也许是, 可能是”,      may是情态动词, be是动词原形 。   2) too much “太多”, 常用来修饰不可数    名词, 一般情况下, 能用much修饰的就    用too much。    e.g. I have too much work to do today.     much too  “太”,副词短语。常用来     修饰形容词或者副词,相当于very。 e.g. He is much too clever. 3. It’s important to eat a balanced diet.        = To eat a balanced diet is important.      饮食平衡是很重要的。    这是一个动词不定式作主语的句子。    动词不定式作主语时, 常用 it 作形式    主语, 而把不定式放在后面。即:     It + be + adj. + 动词不定式 ( to do ) 4. 连系动词 + adj.  (系表结构) 7. 紧张的, 有压力的 8. 感觉疲惫 9. 保持健康 10. 此刻, 现在 11. 另一方面                        12. 使某人不舒服(患病)  13. 嗓子痛                             Ⅱ. 单项选择 1. What's the matter ______ you?      A. for	       B. with	C.to 2. Your body temperature is 39°C.     You _________.     A. have a cold	B. have a headache     C. have a fever 3. I have a toothache. I should _____.     A. see the dentist B. drink more water	     C. lie down and rest 4. If you are stressed out and angry you     should eat more _________.     A. yin foods	     B. hot yang foods     C. Huang Qi herbs 5. Eating too ____ is bad for your health.     A. many	  B. less	C. much 6. Bill should ________ because he is      very thirsty.    A. go to bed	 B. eat food C. drink water 3. 你应当吃一些壮阳气的食物, 如牛肉。   4. 服用党参和黄芪对这一点也有好处。 检测练习 The computer is ___ expensive. I can’t spend ___ money on it. A. much too; much too   B. much; much too  C. much too; too much   D. too much; too C To see you is nice again.    = ____ nice _______________.            To have a healthy lifestyle is easy. = ____ easy ______________________. To exercise in the morning is good.    = ___ good ______________________. It’s to see you again It’s to have a healthy lifestyle  to exercise in the morning It’s stay  healthy keep fit fall   ill feel  sick ( well ) feel  thirsty get   angry get   tired get   ready be  healthy be   fit be   ill be   sick ( well)  be   angry be   tired be   thirsty be   ready 1. 感冒:______________                                  2. 牙痛:_______________ 3. 背痛:_______________ 4. 发烧:_______________ 5. 躺下:   ______________ 6. 看医生:______________ have  a  cold have  a  toothache have  a  backache have  a  fever see  a  doctor lie down Ⅰ. 翻译词组 stressed out get tired  stay healthy at the moment on the other hand have a sore throat make sb sick   B  C  A  A   C  C  Ⅲ. 翻译句子 1. 传统的中医认为要保持身体健康需要体内阴阳的平衡。    2. 可能你阴气过盛。 Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.  Maybe you have too much yin. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef.  Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this. * 八年级人教新目标上册 Section B Follow me: Everybody moves your body Nod your head and touch your face Touch your nose and close your eyes Touch your ears and clap your hands Raise your arms and look at your back Touch your stomach and tap your foot Sit down and move your legs A: What’s the matter with…?B: He/She… Ask and answer She should drink a lot of water.  Make sentences: give advice She should see a dentist. He should lie down and rest. He should see a doctor. Problems have a cold get tired be stressed out  have a toothache have a sore throat have a headache   Give advice take some medicine sleep have a good rest see a dentist drink hot water see a doctor Pairwork: Make dialogues 1a. Match the words with the pictures. 1.____ tired 2.____ hungry 3.____ thirsty 4.____ stressed              out b c d a 1b. Match the advice with the people. 1. ___ Eat an apple.    3. ___ D
新目标初二英语unit 2Section B.ppt



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