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PETS 考试注意事项要点.ppt
教育类型:国产软件 - 小学初中 - 初中语文
教育大小:2.13 MB
更新时间:2012-04-22 08:15:13
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PETS 考试注意事项要点.ppt介绍

考试注意事项 因为有听力测试绝对不能迟到。 听力试音时是审题的良机,个别题没有听懂千万不要停留多想,继续往下听。 口试时要自信大方有礼貌。 口试时尽量避开不会的词,巧妙避开停顿(5秒之内),pardon尽量少用。 写作注意格式、称呼、落款,语法正确,字数50词左右。 答题卡添涂正确,不要折叠。 因无倒扣分,不要空题。 口语看图对话练习  (学生互相问答部分)  四套 Exercise 1      Ask:  How often do you go shopping?                How often do you do shopping?  Answer: I usually do shopping once a week.               (twice a  month, every day)       Ask: Whom do you often go shopping with?               With whom do you often go shopping? Answer: I often go shopping with my mother.                                                      (my father)                                                      (my sister)        Ask: Where do you usually go shopping?                 Answer: I usually go shopping at the free              market.( the department store, the shop)        Ask: What kinds of things do you often buy?                What kinds of goods do you often buy? Answer: I often buy some vegetables.                                  ( some food)                                   (some clothes)        Ask: How much do you usually spend?  Answer: I usually spend 200¥.   Exercise 2      Ask: When did you travel(go traveling)?               When are you going to travel? Answer: I went traveling last Saturday.                I am going to travel next Friday.         Ask: Where did you go for the travel?                Where are you going for the travel? Answer:  I went to the Great Wall.                 I’m going to the Great Wall.                                   (The Summer Palace)                                   (the Frangrant Hill)      Ask: How did you go there?               How are you going there? Answer: I went there by bike.                I’m going there by bike.                                        (by bus)                                        (by taxi)      Ask: Whom did you go with?                With whom did you go?               With whom are you going for the travel? Answer:  I went there with Mary and Joe.                 I’m going there with Tom and Mike.      Ask: What did you have for lunch?               What are you going to have for lunch? Answer: We had some hamburgers.                 We’re going to have some cakes.                                                    (sausages)  Exercise 3     Ask: What time do you get up on holidays?  Answer: I usually get up at 7:30 on holidays.        Ask: What do you do in the morning?                Where do you go in the morning? Answer: I usually go shopping in the morning.                I usually go to the library.                I usually go for a walk in the park.        Ask: Where do you usually have your lunch? Answer: I usually have my lunch at Chundu snack bar.                                                  ( at home.)                                                  (at Chaozhou restaurant)       Ask: What do you usually do in the afternoon?      Answer: I usually do some reading.                             (do some cleaning)                             (listen to the music)       Ask: What do you do in the evening?  Answer: I sometimes go to the theatre.                                    watch TV at home                                    sing songs in a bar Exercise 4      Ask: Do you like traveling?               Do you travel a lot? Answer: Yes, I like traveling very much.                 Yes, I enjoy traveling very much.         Ask: Where do you often go for a travel?                 Answer: I often go to the mountains.                                    seaside                                     the free market      Ask: How do you often go traveling?               How do you often go there? Answer: I often ride a bike.                           take a plane                           drive a car       Ask: When do you often go traveling?                 In what season do you often travel? Answer:  I often travel in spring.                                      in autumn                                      in winter      Ask: With whom do you often go(traveling)?  Answer: I often go traveling with my family. 
PETS 考试注意事项要点.ppt



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