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更新时间:2012-03-06 10:12:11
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由直接引语转变为间接引语,下列情况时态不变: 1. 不变的真理     The teacher said to the students, “Water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃.”     → The teacher told the students that water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃. 2. 经常的习惯:    He said to the doctor, “I smoke two packs every day.”    → He told the doctor that he smokes two packs every day. 3. 历史事件:     The teacher said, “World War Ⅱ ended in 1945.”     → The teacher said that World War Ⅱ ended in 1945. 4. 部分情态动词,如must, ought to, used to, had better等:     She said to me: “You must hurry up.”     → She said that I must hurry up. 1. Jack said to me,  “You look worried today.”     Jack told me that ___ worried ___.           A. he looks…today                                                    B. you look…today                                                    C. we looked…that day                                             D. I looked…that day 2. We said to her, “They’re walking through the street now.”     We told her that ___ through the street ___.                                                            A. we were walking…then                                      B. you are walking…now                          C .they were walking…then                           D. they walking…now  3. Mr Black said, “I have walked a long way this week.”     Mr Black said that __ a long way __.  A. I had walked…last week                               B. he had walked…that week                        C. I walked…last week                                 D. he has walked…this week 4. The man thought, “I shall take it back tomorrow.”     The man thought that __ take it back ____.                                                               A. I shall…tomorrow                                              B. I shall…the next day                                   C. he should…tomorrow                             D. he would …the next day  5. They said to us, “Are you afraid to leave this house ?”     They asked us ____ afraid to leave _____ house.                                                    A. that were we…this                                          B. that we were…that                                     C. if were we …this                                       D. if we were…that 6. Jane said, “What did he hear about a week ago?”     Jane asked ____ about _____.                       A. that he heard…a week ago                               B. what he had heard…the week before   C. what he had herd… a week ago                  D. if he heard…the week ago 7. She asked, “Whose house will he break into next time ?”     She asked whose house ____ break into _____.                                                                      A. will he…next time                                                B. would he…the next time                            C. he would…the next time                           D. he will…next time  8. Jack said to her, “Where do you spend your holidays?”                                              Jack asked her where ____ holidays.      A. she spent her       B. you spend your   C. she spend her      D. you spent your 9. Black asked me, “ Why haven’t you left here yet?”     Black asked me why ____ yet.                    A. I hadn’t left there                                       B. I haven’t left here                                         C. hadn’t I left there                                      D. haven’t I left here   10. The teacher asked her, “Does the sun rise in the east ?”       The teacher asked her ___ the sun ___ in the east.                                               A. if…rise                                                                     B. if…rises                                                                                     C. whether…rose                                         D. whether did …rise * Direct speech          直接引语和间接引语 & indirect speech     引述别人的话语一般采用两种方式:  原封不动地引用原话,把它放在括号内,这叫直接引语 (Direct speech);  二. 用自己的话加以转述, 这叫间接引语 (Indirect speech). 陈述句 Jane said, “I’m very fond of traveling.” 间接引语(变化后) 直接引语 (变化前) tha




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