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企业业务流程重组的一般性方法:阶段-任务框架 阶段一:构思设想 S1 -为企业流程重组的项目立项做准备,获得高层领导的支持,确定需要改善的企业关键流程。代表性技术有:研讨会、 IT/ 流程分析技术。 阶段二:项目启动 S2 -建立流程重组小组;制定项目实施计划和预算;确定流程重组的绩效目标。代表性技术有:质量屋( QFD )。 阶段三:分析诊断 S3 -对现有流程建模;分析现有流程中存在的问题及其根源,确定非增值的活动。代表性技术有:流程图形建模技术(业务流程图、数据流程图等);鱼骨分析。 阶段四:流程设计 S4 -完成新流程的设计。代表性技术有:创造性技术(头脑风暴法等);流程模拟技术;数据建模技术。 阶段五:流程重建 S5 -主要运用变化管理技术来确保向新流程的平稳过渡。需要培训员工、建立信息技术平台和信息系统等。代表性技术有:作用因子分析。 阶段六:监测评估 S6 -监测和评估新流程的绩效,以确定它是否满足预定目标。通常和公司的全面质量管理活动联系起来。代表性技术有:基于活动的成本分析( ABC ), Pareto 曲线图等。 阶段一:构思设想 S1 阶段二:项目启动 S2 阶段三:分析诊断 S3 阶段四:流程设计 S4 阶段五:流程重建 S5 阶段六:监测评估 S6 A general reengineering methodology SSM (soft systems methodology) SSM provides an interesting way in viewing human activity. It address the essence of a problem in considering the “what” aspect of the problem. SSM is particularly good for ill-defined or unstructured problems. It follows a set of guidelines and applies the systems ideas to investigate the problems. The seven stages of SSM S1 - Problem situation unstructured: there is an unstructured problem situation, such as most non-routinized human activities. info collection is performed S2 - problem situation expressed: the situation is then expressed in rich pictures S3 - Root definition of relevant systems: the root definition is defined from a particular point of view and describes what the system is and what it aims to achieve. It consists of six elements based on the CATWOE analysis. The CATWOE analysis for the root definition S4 - conceptual models: the conceptual model is constructed for the system based on the root definition. this conceptual model depicts the network of interconnected activities needed for the ideal situation as specified in the root definition. S5 - real world/systems world comparison: the expressed real situation is explored and compared with the ideal conceptual model built at stage 4. Needed changes are then identified based on the differences between the real world and the ideal world. Such changes are called systemically desirable changes. S6 - feasible/desirable changes: there is a need to determine whether the changes are feasible to be implemented. It is based on a culture-based stream of analysis in three aspects: intervention, social, and political. The final changes to be implemented are considered to be desirable and feasible S7 - Action to improve: the action is taken to implement the changes. * * 得到管理者的承诺和管理愿景 S1A1 发现流程重组的机会 S1A2 认识信息技术/信息系统的潜能 S1A3 选择流程 S1A4 通知股东 S2A1 成立重组小组 S2A2 制定项目实施计划和预算 S2A3 分析流程外部客户的需求 S2A4 设置流程重组的绩效目标 S2A5 描述现有流程 S3A1 分析现有流程 S3A2 定义并分析新流程的初步方案 S4A1 建立新流程的原型与设计方案 S4A2 设计人力资源结构 S4A3 信息系统的分析与设计 S4A4 重组组织结构及其运行机制 S5A1 信息系统的实施 S5A2 培训员工 S5A3 新旧流程切换 S5A4 评估流程的绩效 S6A1 转向连续改善活动 S6A2 Customer modeling Performance measurement Cycle time analysis Cost analysis Process value analysis Value chain analysis Workflow analysis Organization mapping Activity –based cost accounting Model processes, model customers and suppliers, define and measure performance, define entities or “things” that require info collection, identify activities ,map organization ,map resources ,prioritize processes What are our major business processes? Who are their customers? What are our strategic/value-added processes? What processes get highest priority for reengineering? Process-think Planning Team building Goal seeking Motivation Change management Project management Evaluating organization and environment, recognizing need, setting corporate and reengineering goals, identifying and motivating team, training team on reengineering concepts, development of a change plan ,development of projects scope, components and approximate time frames. What is the level of commitment of Senior executives ? How can reengineering address our business goals? Who should be represented on the reengineering team? What skills will team members have to learn? How do we communicate this effort to employees? Preparation Types of tools/techniques Key activities Central questions addressed Info engineering Work flow analysis Performance measurement Process modeling Project management Examine process linkages, model entity-relationships, develop performances metrics ,consolidate interfaces, consolidate info, design technical systems, modularize, plan implementation.  What technical resources will we need? How can these resources best be acquired? How will all the technical elements work? How will the technical elements interact with the social elements? Technical design  Work flow analysis process value analysis Benchmarking Cycle time analysis Brainstorming Visioning Documentation Understand process structure, understand process flow, identify value-adding activities , benchmark performance, brainstorm IT possibilities , estimate opportunity, envision the ideal process ,integrate visions, define components of visions. What are our subprocesses ,activities and steps? How do resources and info work through processes? Why do we do things this way? What are the key strengths and weaknesses of our processes? Can we benchmark? How? Ideally how would we like these processes to work? Can IT be used to transform these processes ? What are our stretch goals for these processes?  creation Types of tools/techniques Key activities Central questions addressed process modeling Info engineering Skill matrices Performance measurement Just-in-time training Project management Develop test and rollout plans, construct system, monitor progress, evaluate personnel, train staff, pilot new process, refine, full rollout, continuous improvement How do we ensure that the transition goes smoothly? What mechanism should be established for unanticipated problems? How do we monitor and evaluate progress? How do we build momentum for ongoing change?  implementation Employee empowerment Skill matrices Team building Self-managed work teams Case managers Organizational restructuring Change management Incentive systems Project managemet Empower customer contact personnel, identify job clusters, define jobs/teams, define skills/staffing, specify organizational structures, design transitional organization, design incentives, manage change, plan implementation What human resources will we need for the reengineered processes? How can we best acquire these resources? Who is likely to resist these changes and why? How will the social elements interact with the technical elements? What will the new organization look like? Social design Types of tools/techniques Key activities Central questions addressed  1 Problem Situation unstructured  2 Problem Situation expressed 3 Root definition of relevant systems 4 Conceptual models  6 Feasible/ desirable changes 5 Real world/ systems World comparison 7 Action to improve Systems world real world Environment is the world that surrounds and influences the system, but has control over the system E Owner of the system who could determine the system to cease to exist O Worldview perceived of the system, or the assumptions made about the system W Transformation taken place which convert the input to output within or by the system T Actors who carry out the activities within the system A Clients or customers who benefit from or affected by the outputs from the system C description Mnemonic * 



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