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182 惠普战略规划与评审.ppt
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182 惠普战略规划与评审.ppt介绍

Choose View, Header and Footer to enter text here   惠普的计划流程 – TEN STEP PLANNING TEN-STEP PLANNING的战略性逻辑 TEN-STEP 运用结果示例 惠普的战略管理评审理念 惠普的战略管理评审方法 	– QUALITY MATURITY SYSTEM(QMS) QMS的实施流程 QMS的实施流程实例 QMS评审结果实例 惠普的核心能力识别理念 惠普的核心能力识别方法 – CIW		(PROBING EXERCISE) 惠普的组织战略方法论	 – 基于公司战略的组织开发 QMS评审结果示例 惠普的战略规划与评审 hp  confidential DW20 (3/2000) Choose View, Header and Footer to enter text here 惠普的计划理念 PLAN IS NOTHING;PLANNING IS EVERYTHING。 PLAN IS PAPER       PLAN与PLANNING的区别 PLANNING IS PROCESS       Annual Plan     THE TEN-STEPS     Step 1:    STATEMENT OF PURPOSE    Step 2:    FIVE YEAR OBJECTIVES     Step 3:        CUSTOMERS AND CHANNELS    Step 4:   COMPETITION   Step 5:   IDEAL SOLUTION AND STRATEGY    Step 6:   IMPLEMENTATION   Step 7:   FINANCIAL ANALYSIS    Step 8 :   EXTERNAL ASSUMPTIONS     Step 9:  INTERNAL  INTERDEPENDENCIES    Step 10 :   FIRST YEAR PLAN External Internal Strategic Operations Understanding the opportunities Step 3:  Customers &  channels Step 4:  Competition Step 5:  Ideal solution & strategy Building focus Step 1:  Statement of purpose Step 2:  Five-year objectives Step 8:  External risks & assumptions Step 9:  Internal interdependencies Making decisions Step 6:  Plan for implementation Step 7:  Financial analysis Implementation Step 10:  First-year plan Validation & monitoring Planning to plan An outside-in approach 年度计划:VOICE INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION (PDF FILE) TEN-STEP:CHP CSBU FY1998 – 2001 (EXCEL FILE) LOGIC IS NOT NECESSARILY PURSUASIVE  逻辑是不容挑战的 1.0 Topics Knowledge Areas 1.0 Strategic Direction STRATEGIC DIRECTION PLANNING 3.1 Planning System 3.2 Including Customer Needs 3.3 Alignment 3.0 2.0 6.1 Actions of Leaders 6.2 Decision Making 6.3 Leading Change LEADERSHIP 6.0 5.0 Strategic Development of People DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLE 5.0 2.1 End Customer Identification 2.2 Value Delivery System 2.3 Other Customers of the System 2.4 Creating Passion for Customers 2.5 Understanding Competition  CUSTOMERS & BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 2.0 EXECUTING THE PLANS 4.1 Cross Organizational Processes, Organization Design 4.2 Process Management & Improvement 4.3 Plan Deployment & Review 4.4 Managing Relationships 4.5 Performance Measurement 4.0 Basic Leading Competitive Narrative Resources How To Get Started Templates Basic Leading Competitive Narrative Resources How To Get Started Templates Review the QMS topics How effectively is your entity performing in each of the QMS areas? Focus on a specific business and understand the business situation Determine importance of each QMS topic to business success in the segment Position entity performance -  Basic...Competitive...Leading Results/Approach/Deployment Go do it ! 	Discover other existing or possible approaches P o s i t i o n I M P O R T P o s i t i o n I M P O R T P o s i t i o n I M P O R T Decide what actions you'll take to guarantee future business success DEVELOPING AND OBSOLETING OF CORE COMPETENCES ARE EQUALLY ESSENTIAL TO WIN  知扬弃者,胜 Formulation  of Strategic Plan Identification of  Needed Organizational  Capabilities  Determination of  Specific L

182 惠普战略规划与评审.ppt



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