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更新时间:2012-05-06 07:25:31
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1.	A.match	B.chemistry	C.camp	D.headche		2.	A.fever	B.ever	C.better	D.less		3.	A.maybe	B.famous	C.eighty	D.habit		4.	A.passenger	B.laugh	C.calm	D.car		5.	A.early	B.ear	C.herb	D.thirsty		二、根据音标选择正确的单词(5分)
1		A.same	B.some	C.seim	D.saim		2.		A.calendar	B.calander	C.calindar	D.calender		3.		A.minute	B.minite	C.munite	D.minuet		4.		A.medicine	B.midicine	C.medicne	D.medecine		5.		A.shouer	B.shower	C.shoer	D.shour		三、单项选择(10分)  
1. The mother is waiting _______ the bus stop.
A. for       B. on        C. at      D. in
2. —What’s wrong with you?     —  _______
A. I’ m feeling well. B. How about her C.I have a lot of headaches. D.’m sorry
3. The weather is hot.These young trees need ____.
A. water     B. are watering     C. watering      D. to water
4. We went to our teacher. He gave us  ____      .
A. some advice  B. advices      C. an  advice  D. some advices
5. Is there _____ in the room?
A. anything new   B. new anything  C. something new  D. new something
6. What is tomorrow?               .
A. It’s Sunday      B. It’s Sunday February 10th  
C. It’s fine         D. It’s free
7. —Must I finish my homework now?  —           .
A.No ,you mustn’t.        	B.No ,you needn’t.  
C.No ,you couldn’t.        	D.No ,you don’t.
. How about _____ another cake?
A. having      B. to have      C. has       D. have
9. Are you as _____?____as your brother?
A. stronger   B. much more outgoing   C. quiet    D.strongly
10. ______ this movie?
A. How do you think        B. What do you think  
C. What do you like         D. How do you like 
Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is more   11   than money. Why ? Because when money is spent, we can make it again. However,   12   time is gone, it’ll never  13   . That is   14   we mustn’t waste time.
It goes without saying that the   15   is usually limited(有限的). Even a second is very important, we should make full use of our time to do   16  useful.
But it is a pity that there are lots of people who do not know the important of time. They spend their limited time smoking, drinking, and   17  . They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own   18   .
In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t   19   today’s work for tomorrow.
Remember we have no time to   20  .
11.A.	beautiful	B.	important	C.	interesting	D.	difficult		12.A.	what	B.	where	C.	when	D.	who		13.A.	return	B.	get	C.	take	D.	go		14.A.	what	B.	that	C.	because	D.	why		15.A.	money	B.	time	C.	day	D.	food		16.A.	nothing	B.	something	C.	anything	D.	whole thing		17.A.	reading	B.	writing	C.	playing	D.	working		18.A.	time	B.	food	C.	money	D.	lives		19.A.	stop	B.	leave	C.	let	D.	give		20.A.	lose	B.	save	C.	spend	D.	take		五、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)
Why do children go to school? Do you know? You may say that they go to school to learn Chinese, English and other subjects. This answer is right. But do you know why they learn all these things? Do they learn all things at school?
The answer is “No”. Children must learn how to learn at school. No one can learn everything at school. When they leave school, they must go on to learn. So a good teacher at school teaches his students to learn something and teaches them the ways to learn it. Then the children can go on(继续)to learn well after they leave school.
21. What do children learn at school?  
 A. Chinese  B. English  C. Maths  D. Many subjects
22.  Do children learn all things at school? 
 A. Yes, they do  B. No, they don’t  C. I don’t know  D. I think so
23.What does a good teacher do at school?  
A. Teaches his students learn something   B. Teaches his students how to learn.    C. Both A and B.                D. Teaches everything. 
24.Who can learn everything at school? 
 A. teachers   B. students  C. scientists   D. no one
25.Which sentence is right? 
 A. Students go to school to learn everything.  B. Children don’t need to learn after they leave school.   C. Children must learn how to study.  D. Teachers should teach everything.
It is easier to go downhill than to cli



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