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外贸函电之索赔篇		第一节 Claims Letters索赔信		一、The Steps of Writing Claim Letters索赔信的写作步骤虽然没人愿意,但是有些情况时有发生,如卖方发错了货物,买方不满意货物的质量,卖方迟交货物,货物受损或者卖方价格过高等等。在出现这些情况时,买方通常会为了挽回损失而向卖方提出索赔。  赔偿内容可以有如下几个方面:  (1)请求赔偿损失。  (2)请求补运。货物短少或短交时,可请求补运。  (3)请求调换。货物的品质不符或规格不符,可请求调换。  (4)请求修理。机器发生故障或损坏时,可要求修理。  (5)请求减价或折让。如交货延迟、品质不佳,皆可要求减价或贬值折让。  (6)拒收货物请求退还货款,并赔偿损失。  通常写作索赔信可以遵循下列格式:  1.详尽陈述事实,说明出了什么问题。在这部分里应给出具体的日期、货物的品名、和数量、合同号及任何其他详尽的信息,以便对方进行查询;(Detailed information to explain the problem. This explanation should give dates, name and quantity of goods, contract number or any other specific information that will make a recheck easier for the reader)  ●We have just received…evidencing…(我们刚收到……证明……)  ●We regret having to inform you that …arrived in…(很遗憾通知你方……到达……)  ●20% of the packages had been broken…(……20%的包装破损……)  ●It was found that upon examination……(检查后发现……)  2.说明此差错带来的不便或损失,以使你的投诉或索赔更有力;(A statement of the inconvenience or loss that has resulted from this error. This strengthens your argument)  ●The materials are quite unsuited to…(货物很不适合……)  ●These goods are entirely useless to us…(这些货物对我们毫无用处……)  ●This has caused us much inconvenience…(这给我们带来了很大不便)  3.说明希望对方如何解决问题。如何不知道哪种解决方式为宜,可敦促对方采取必要的行动。(A statement of how you wish the reader to act. The writer who doesn’t know what adjustment is proper should try to stimulate prompt investigation and action)   ●We wish to get your early reply.(希望收到你方早日答复)  ●We look forward to your settlement at an early date.(盼早日收到你方解决办法)		
二、The Principles of Claim Letters索赔信的写作原则当写索赔信时,应照顾到读者的荣誉和权利,清楚地解释发生了什么事情,而不要讲一些不相关的事情。清楚地说明你的不便或者所造成的损失,还应说明你需要什么样的赔偿。  投诉应该立即进行,因为任何拖延对供应商来说都会使事情复杂化。应该认为卖方会采取补救措施。  一般来说,索赔的目的是为了获得更好的服务。信写的越具体就越容易使对方处理索赔。所以写索赔信时措辞要谨慎,语气要委婉,同时注意陈述事实,做到有理有据,这样才能够被对方所接受。三、Text Explanation and Vocabulary课文分析和词汇1Dear Mr. Smith:   We have recently received a number of complaints1from customers about your clocks. The clocks are clearly not giving satisfaction2and in some cases3we have had to refund4the purchase price.(说明自己的实际情况)  The clocks complained about are part of the batch5of five hundred supplied to our order No. 908 of 2nd April. This order was placed on the basis of6a sample clock left by your representative. We have ourselves compared7the performance8of this sample with that of a number of the clocks complained about and there is little doubt9that many of them do not tell the right time10.(详细解释状况)  The complaints received relate11only to clocks from the batch referred to12. Clocks supplied before these have always been satisfactory13. We are therefore writing to ask you to accept return14of the unsold balance15, amounting to 503 clocks in all16, and to replace17them by clocks of the quality our earlier dealings with you have led us to expect.(具体索赔要求)  Sincerely,   讲解:  第一段:  We have recently received a number of complaints1from customers about your clocks. 




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