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外贸函电之装运篇		第一节 Urging Shipment Letters催促装运信		一、The Steps of Urging Shipment Letters催促装运信的写作步骤敦促立即交货是买方写给卖方的有关装运的信函。由于某种原因,卖方没能按期装运时,买方可以写信进行询问和催促,但语气要客气、婉转。注意要站在对方角度写,说明不交货会对他自己不利。  敦促立即交货信函步骤:  1.说明相关信用证已经开立;(Stating that the relative L/C has been opened)  情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)  ●We wish to inform you that the L/C...has been opened.(兹通知你方,……信用证已开立)  ●We are glad to inform you that…(很高兴通知你方……)  ●The covering L/C…has been established.(……相关的信用证已经开立)  2.说明立即装运的必要性和理由;(Stating the necessity and reasons of immediate shipment)  情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)  ●As the selling season is coming, our clients are in urgent need of the goods.(由于销售季节的来临, 我方客户急需这批货)  ●We wish you can ship the goods as soon as possible to enable us to catch the brisk demand...(我们希望你方早日装运, 以便使我方能够赶上……的销售旺季)  3.提示迟装对生意有害,希望对方早日装运。(Stating the harm to business if shipping is delayed and wishing the seller to ship the goods early)  情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)  ●Any delay in shipment will be detrimental to…(任何装运的延误都会对……有害)  ●It is beneficial to both parties to…(……对双方都有利)  ●We thank you for your co-operation in this respect.(希望你方在这方面合作)  ●We await your good news.(盼望你方的好消息)		二、Text Explanation and Vocabulary课文分析和词汇1Dear Sirs,  Our Order No. 234  We are now very anxious1to know about the shipment of our above order for 3,000 “Yong Kang” brand sewing machines which should be delivered before March 20 as contracted2.(提示对方按合同应交货)  Now the shipment date is approaching3rapidly, but so far4we have not received any information from you concerning this lot5. When we placed the order we explicitly6pointed out7that punctual shipment was of great importance8because our customers were in urgent need of the goods and we had given them assurance of9an early delivery.(解释及时装运的原因)  We hope you will make every effort to effect shipment within the stipulated10time as any delay would cause11us no small difficulty12.(希望对方尽早发货)  Sincerely,  讲解:  第一段:  We are now very anxious1to know about the shipment of our above order for 3,000 “Yong Kang” brand sewing machines which should be delivered before March 20 as contracted2.  1. anxious意思是“期望”,后接动词不定式。类似于would like very much。  例:  (1)We are anxious to establish business relations with you(我们盼望和你们建立业务关系。)  (2)We are anxious to know when you can arrange shipment.(我们希望知道你们什么时候能够装运。)  2. as contracted按合同约定。Contract动词,签合同。  例:  (1)The users are in urgent need of the machines contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of an early delivery.(客户们急需合同项下的机器而且实际上正在催促我们要保证早日装船。)  (2)We have contracted with a clothing firm for 1,000 men’s shirts a week.(我们已经和一家服装公司订立了合同,每周交一千件衬衫。)  contract名词,合同。  例:We have expressly stated that the stipulations of the L/C should comply with the terms of the contract.(我们明确表示信用证的规定应该与合同条款一致。)  讲解:  第二段:  Now the shipment date is approaching3rapidly, but so fa




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