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                                                免费外贸平台实惠网资料编辑站 2011-1-20 
本文档摘自实惠网外贸论坛(http://max.book118.com                      ) 你也可以加入外贸交流 QQ                    群: 
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 Chapter One             Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing 
Section Nine     Exercises   练习 
I. Translate the following expressions into English : 
Keys:     1.Commercial Councellor 
          2.import and export           3.export list 
          4. enquiry                       5.sample 
          6. price list                  7.catalogue 
          8. Chamber of Commerce             9. market price 
          10. agreement                     11.clients/customers 
          12. commodities fair            13. competitive price 
          14. EMP(European Main ports) 
          15. deal exclusively            16. manufacturer 
          17. article number              18. delivery 
          19. specification               20. trial order 
II. Please improve the following sentence to them more idiamotic 
      1. We are sending you the information you asked for in your letter of June 4. 
      2. We have received your letter of May 10. 
      3. We are pleased to tell you that your Order 167 was dispatched yesterday. 
      4. We sent you this morning our latest catalogue you requested in your letter of 
May 5. 
      5. We hope you will consider our proposals. 
      6. We hope to hear from you soon. 
      7.You   informed   us   in   your   letter   that   you   could   not   offer   us   Gallnuts   as   they 
were out of stock. 
      8. In reply to your letter of the 23red last month, we are pleased to confirm the 
following order. 
      9. Please take note of the   Lot Number of bales   so that the parcel may  not be 
mixed up on landing. 
      10. Samples will be sent and offer made upon receipt of your specific enquiry. 
      11. In reply to your letter 23   May, we regret to inform you that we are now not 
in a position to offer you the quantity as required. 
                                                免费外贸平台实惠网资料编辑站 2011-1-20 
      12. Thank you for your quotation dated September 5, 2007. We intend to place a 
trial order with you. 
      13. You will no doubt ope the relevant L/C at the end of May. 
      14. We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied. 
      15. Will you please send us your latest catalogue and pricelist? 
      16. We wish you could effect insurance on the goods with PICC. 
      17. Please send me a copy of the agreement. 
      18. Your products are not up to our standard. 
      19. I regret I cannot agree to your suggestions. 
      20. We have semimonthly direct sailings from Hong Kong to San Francisco. 
III. Arrange the following in proper form as th




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