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中国的物流现状与发展 The Logistics Industry in China 中国物流与采购联合会 China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing 戴定一----副会长 Mr. Dai Ding-Yi-----Vice Chairmen  2004年11月22日 Nov 22 2004 一、中国物流的现状 I. Current Situation of the Industry 1、 物流市场需求 (Demand of the market) 经济快速增长 (Fast economic growth) 制造业占很大比重 (Manufacturing sector takes a big portion) 商贸业及国际贸易 (Commerce & trade and International trade) 产业整合:供应链和分销网络 (Industry integration: supply chain and distribution network) 2、物流服务供给 (Service supplied ) 快速建设的基础设施 (Infrastructure being built quickly) 出现了一批第三方物流服务商 (3rd party logistics service providers emerged) 世界一流的港口和集装箱运输 (World 1st class ports and container transportation) 物流信息化和标准化 (Informatization and Standardization)  二、中国物流管理和政策 II. Management and Policies 相关的政府机构 (Relevant government organizations)  发展与改革委员会、商务部、交通部、铁道部、民航局、海关总署、 信息产业部等 (NDRC, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Communications,  Ministry of Railway, CAAC, Customs General Administration, Ministry of Information Industry)  --部际协调机制  (Inter-ministry coordination mechanism) 相关政策 (Relevant policies) --产业规划 (Industry planning) --开放与市场准入 (Market opening and market entry) --税收 (Taxation) --监管 (Supervise & Control) --法律和诚信体系等环境建设 (Circumstances supplied, including laws &  trust systems, etc) 三、中国物流信息化和标准化 III. Informatization and Standardization 信息化 (Informatization) ---应用的三个层次 	(3 levels of informatization) ---基础平台的建设 	(Build a basic platform) ---技术、信息服务商的概况 (Introduction to technology and information service providers) ---关于 RFID (About RFID) 标准化 (Standardization) -原有标准体系及存在的问题 (Existing system and its issues) -中国物流标准技术委员会及物流标准体系表 (Committee of China Logistics Standards and Technologies and its logistics standards system) -重点标准:服务、信息、通用设备及包装等 (Key standards: service, information, equipment and packaging)  四、中国物流的发展 IV. Development of the Industry 发展规划: (Development Plan) 经济增长及方式的转变 (Economic growth and changes in the pattern)  基础设施的规划  (Planning of the infrastructure)  对外开放  (Opening to the outside world)  平台建设  (Building a platform) 机遇和问题: (Opportunities and issues) 与产业升级相适应  (In line with the industry improvement)  领域:管理、设备、信息化、标准化等  (Areas: management, equipments, informatization, standardization,etc.)  与市场机制和环境建设相一致 (In line with the market mechanism and the environment) 五、关于中国物流与采购联合会 V. About China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing  政府机构改革的产物  (Created in and by the reform of government institutions)  主要职能:物流与采购政策调研,企业服务,行业基础性建设  (Major functions: research on the policies of logistics and purchasing, service for enterprises , build industry infrastructure)  近期的基础性工作:培训、标准、统计、规划、信息化 (Recent tasks: training, standardization, statistics, planning, informatization)  促进国际合作:信息交流,合作调研,国际会展、国际培训与认证、互访等 (Promoting international cooperations: information exchange, joint research, international conferences and exhibitions, international training and certification and mutual visits) 谢谢大家! Thank you !Q & A ddy@cflp.org.cn 86-10-68391255 *  *  起点低、发展快、不平衡,机遇与挑战并存 Started from scratches, developing fast but imbalanced; opportunities and challenges coexist 信息化与标准化结合,标准化指导信息化,信息化落实新的标准体系 Unity of informatization and standardization; standardization guides informatization; informatization actualizes the new standards system. 



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