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更新时间:2019-12-27 19:36:04
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* (在法庭上)作证 是…的目击者 为…作证 当时,那时 分类,整理,澄清,解决(问题/困难) 加油,催促,开始   发生,导致 偶然遇见 出来/版, 开(花),结果 经历(疾病.困难等) 走近,上来, 长出,被提出     总计, 达到,苏醒 在……之前, 比……强(好)” “提前” 一盒,一包;一伙…,一群…  witness to sth/doing sth be a witness to ….  bear / give  witness to sth at the time       sort out             come on come about come across come out come through come up come to ahead of ahead of time  a pack of   逃跑,逃避,逃离 “收(庄稼);引进;挣得(钱)”  使(意义等)明白表示出来,生产 吐出(vt); 抚养,养育 带来,造成 在此期间,与此同时 “吃,以……为主食” 以…为饲养” 举起, 使延误 帮助……(摆脱困境或危险)” 帮助某人干某事 在......帮助某人 在某人的帮助下 情不自禁地干某事 不能帮助干某事 flee (from) sth bring in          bring out bring up bring about in the meantime=meanwhile feed on feed … on sth= feed sth to  …“ hold up  help out help sb (to) do sth        help sb with sth        with the help of sb     = with one’s help   can’t help doing sth  can’t help to do sth wake up  a new dimension of life  all kinds of  in and around  seem to do   mind doing  look straight at sb  look down into  feel exposed  reflect on (upon) be/become (well) aware of/that… upside down inside out sb be scared to death scare sb. to death be scared to do sth /of doing sth               醒来              崭新的生活空间  各种各样的  在四周  似乎做某事  介意做某事  直盯着某人   往下看…   感到暴光  “仔细考虑, 思考”           对…知道,明白;意识到 上下颠倒的(地),乱七八糟的(地)” “(穿)反了,倒悬,乱七八糟地              某人吓死了                 吓死某人了             害怕干某事  at the beginning of  It was a time when…..  hear of   witness … with one’s own eyes  in time  throw…out of  yell out  be about to do  keep doing  have on  race after sb  show sb the way  circle back to  lead sb to sth  in the distance  draw closer  on top of   在…开始时 这是一段….的时期 听说       亲眼看到 及时 冲出来  大声喊叫 正要做某事时 保持做某事 穿上 跟着某人跑 给某人领路 转回到 带领某人去…. 在远处/方  接近点  在…的顶上  stop sb (from) doing  point towards/to  in the bow of  aim sth at  within a moment or two  turn sth around  sb be washed off  be terrified of  be off  compare….with  look forward to doing/sth  concentrate on   every few minutes   glance through  go on a tour  fill sb with sth  阻止某人做某事 指着 在船头 把…瞄准… 过了片刻 转身,翻转  某人被冲下… 对…感到害怕 离开 与…作比较 盼望 集中注意力于… 每隔几分钟 匆匆看一遍 去旅行 使某人充满…   raise public awareness  be tired of  blame sb for sth  slow down  be in existence  the following day  promise to do sth  provide sb with sth  plenty of  take sb away  have no choice but to do  go by  become used to sth  feel guilty that…  force sb to do sth  in search of   提高公共意识 对…感到厌烦 因…而责备某人 减缓/速 存在,生存 第二天 答应做某事 提供某人某物 大量 带走某人 只好,不得不 习惯于某事 对…感到自责 强迫某人做某事 寻找  set off for  let out in the direction of  catch up with  order sb to do sth  give back  turn into  be frightened of  hang on to sth  keep sb alive  have power over sth  keep sb away from  show sb great respect/show respect for sb  dress up as  should have done  take turns to do sth  put sth away       出发去某地 发出 朝…的方向 追上,赶上 命令某人做某事 归还 转变成 对…感到害怕 抓紧某物,保留,不放弃 使某人活着 控制着…        对某人尊敬 化装成,打扮成 本应该做而未做 依次/轮流做某事 把…收起来/放好   annual  adj.  n.  witness n.  vt.  accommodation n.  accommodate v. 供给住宿  flee – fled – fled   “逃跑,逃避,逃离”  depth  (n)  deep  (adj.)  deep/deeply adv.  length  (n) →  long  (adj.)  width   (n) →  wide   (adj.)  height  (n) →  high  (adj.)  reflect v. reflection n.反映,反射,思考  pure adj. purely adv.纯粹地,仅仅,完全地  purity=pureness纯粹,纯洁  magic n. adj.   magical  adj.有魅力的, 象魔术的  magically adv. magician魔术师     * 



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