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The test for the quadratic equation in one unknown
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1. Translate the following words or sentence.
(1)因式分解       (2)根    . (3) 开方   .
(4)系数      . (5) 分母    .(6)一般式     .
(7)垂直     . (8) 平行     .(9) 比例线段   .
2. Fill in the following blanks.
	(1). The roots of the equation: x2-2=0 are     .
	(2). The roots of the equation: x2-5x-6=0 are         .
	(3). The roots of the equation: x2-3x+1=0 are        .
	(4). The equation is 4y2-kx+6=0. One of its roots is 2, the other one is      , the value of k is        .
	(5). The equation is 4x2+(k+1)x+1=0. If it has two equal roots, the value of k is       .
	(6).The equation is x2+3x=k+1. If it has no real root, the value of k is         .
	(7). Equation 3x2-5x-1/4=0 has two roots x1and x2, then x1+x2=.      ;x1x2=      .
	(8). When m=    , equation (m+1)x2+2mx+=0 has real roots.
	(9) The equation is x2+mx15=0. If the absolute value of the difference about its two roots is 8, the value of m is     .
	(10) The equation is x2-x+p=0. The ratio between its two roots is 2:3, the value of p is      .
2. Select the sign of the proper answer.
	(1) If equation 2x(kx-4)-x2+6=0 has no real root, the lowest integer of k is …………………………………………()	(A)	-1	 	(B) 2	 	(C) 3		 (D) 4
	(2).For any real number x, the value of formula x2-5x+10 is …………………………………………………………(	)
		(A) 非负数(B) 正数(C) 整数(D) 负数	(3).If the value of formula  is 0, the value of a is ………………………………………………………()	(A) a=3	(B)	(C)(D)
	(4). If =0, then the value of x is………………………………………………………()	(A) –1,-2,-3		(B) –1	(C) –2,-3	(D)1,2,3
	(5) The equation is x2-4x+k=0, When k<4, the condition of its roots is ……………………………………………()	(A) 有两个不相等的实根(B) 有两个相等的实根(C)无实根		   (D) 不确定(6). The equation is x2-4x-1=0, the condition of its roots is ……………………………………………………()(A) 无实根				(B) 有两个负根
(C)有两个正根			(D)一个正根,一个负根	(7). Equation is 2x2-8x-m=0,it has a root : 0, the value of m is ……………………………………………………()	(A) –8		(B) 0		(C) 正数(D) 不存在	(8). k and 4-k are the roots of equation x2+px-12=0,the value of p and k are ………………………………………()	(A) p=-4,k=2(B) p=4,k=6(C) p=4,k=-2	(D)p=-4,k=-2或6
	(9). The equation is ax2+bx+c=0, its roots are inverse number to each other, the relation between a, b and c is ……()	(10). The equation is 2x2+mx+n=0, the sum of its roots is 4, the product of its roots is –3, the value of m and n are (		)
	(A) m=8,n=-6				(B)m=-4 , n=-3
	(C)m=-3,n=4				(D)m=-8,n=-6




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