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Class2                          Foundations of  Individual Behavior I.Biographical Characteristics  II.Ability III.Personality IV.Learning  Dependent Variable      Productivity           -------(job performance)                  Absenteeism                 Turnover                  Job satisfaction I.Biographical Characteristics          1.Age Age-Turnover:The older you get,the less likely you are to quit your job.  Absenteeism:Inversely related?                     Older -- higher rates of unavoidable absence  Productivity declines with age?  Unrelated Satisfaction:Most--positive association;U-Shaped.Professionals:continually increase; Nonprofessionals:falls during middle age ,--rise I.  2.Gender There is no significant difference in job Productivity between males and females. No evidence indicates gender affects Job satisfaction  Absenteeism,women have higher rates of--.  Family ,Time bound? Turnover,mixed evidence.Some found females to have higher---;no difference  I.  3.Marital Status No enough studies on---     Productivity   Married employees have fewer Absences, less Turnover,more  Job satisfaction ?Question of causation,                        ?Other statuses besides single or married,divorced or widow. I.  4.Number of dependents No enough studies on---     Productivity Positively correlated with Absence,esp. F.; Job satisfaction Turnover:mixed result.Some indicate that children increase turnover;other  lower. I.  5.Tenure Productivity,seniority isn’t a good predictor,            past perf. related to output in new position negatively related to Absenteeism (frequency,days off),   Turnover  satisfaction: are positively related. More consistent and stable predictor that age.                 II.Ability1. Intellectual Ability dimensions Number aptitude--speedy accurate arithmetic Verbal Comprehension--read,heard,words Perceptual speed--Fire investigator Inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning Spacial visualization---interior decorator Memory--Salesperson:names of  II.Ability2. Physical Ability factors Strength----Dynamic,trunk,static,explosive Flexibility----extent, Dynamic Other----body coordination,balance,Stamina   III.Personality 1.The sum total of ways in witch an individual reacts and interacts with others 2.Determinants                                                      Heredity    Environment  Situation      max.book118.comonality traits Source(primary) traits The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI)    Extrovert vs. I,   Sensing (S,N)Intuition,       Thinking or Felling,Perceiving or Judging  The Big 5 Model---- Extroversion, Agreeableness,Conscientiousness, Emotional stability, Openness to experience  max.book118.comonality Attributes in OB Locus of control---Internal,E Machiavellianism Self-esteem Self-monitoring propensity for Risk-taking Type A personality max.book118.comonality-job Fit Holland’s personality-occupations typology Realistic Investigative Conventional Social Enterprising Artistic                      IV. Learning                                 1. Theories of Learning Any relatively 




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