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Class 7.Foundation of Group Behavior §7.1 Defining & Classifying       2 or more individuals,interacting & interdependent,,who have come together to achieve particular objectives. 1.Formal Group A designated work group defined by the organization’s structure Command group--A manager & his or her immediate subordinates Task group--Those working together to complete a job task Why do people join group?----Security,Status, Self-esteem,Affiliation,Power,Goal Achievement  2.Informal Group A group that is neither formally structured nor organizationally determined;appears in response to the need for social contract Interest group-- Those working together to attain a specific objective with which each is concerned Friendship group--Those brought together because they share one or more common characteristic  Class 7. Foundation of Group Behavior §7.2 Stages of Group development 1. The 5-Stage Model                From the mid-1960s Forming--characterized by much uncertainty Storming--intragroup conflict Norming--close relationship & cohesiveness Performing--When the group is fully functional Adjourning--for temporary groups, characterized by concern with wrapping up activities rather than task performance Criticism:do not proceeds clearly,simultaneous, regress;ignores organizational setting 2.The Punctuated-Equlibrium M   Studies of  more than a dozen,group don’t develop in a universal sequence   The timing of when groups form & change the way they work is highly consistent (1)The 1st meeting sets the direction; (2) the 1st phase of group activity is one of inertia; (3) a transition takes place at the end of the 1st phase when the group has used up half it’s allotted time; (4) the transition initiates major changes; (5)a 2nd phase of inertia follows the transition;(6)the group’s last meeting is characterized by markedly accelerated activity   Class 7. Foundation of Group Behavior §7.3 Sociometry                       An analytical technique for group interaction----find out who people like or dislike & whom they would or not to work with Sociogram--A diagram that graphically maps the preferred social interactions obtained from interviews or questionnaires. Key terms Social networks--specific set of linkages among a defined set of individuals. cluster--group existing Prescribed cluster--formal groups  Emergent clusters--informal,unofficial groups Coalitions--a cluster of individuals who temporarily come together to achieve a specific purpose Cliques--relatively permanent informal groups in  network Stars--one with the most linkages      Isolates-- Liaison--one connecting 2 or more clusters but are outside  Bridges--serving as a linking pins by belong to 2 or more  Class 7. Foundation of Group Behavior §7.4 Explaining work group behavior                                        the major components determining  Performance & satisfaction 1.Group behavior model 2.External conditions imposed on the group Organization strategy authority structure formal regulations--rule,procedure,policies organizational resources--modern high-qual




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