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企业英语培训专家 Market-leader Corporate English Training (week 7) www.market-leader.cn Call : 400-670-9199 Market Leader Corporate English Training Call:400-670-9199 * * 公司英语培训 商务英语培训 员工英语培训  SWOT Analysis Threat 威胁 Opportunity  机会 Weakness 劣势  Strength  优势 Internal 内部 External 外部 Strength and Weakness Internal environment analysis 内部环境分析 It is one thing to discern attractive opportunities and to be able to take advantage of these opportunities. 是用来辨别看清楚是否可以抓住机会,利用机会 It is important to evaluate its own internal strengths and weaknesses, from time to time. 企业需要三不五时的分析自我内部优劣  See appendix 10: Memo 见附件 Opportunities and threats external environment analysis 外部环境分析  Demographic Environment 人口(统计)环境  Economic Environment 经济环境  Natural Environment 自然环境  Technological Environment 技术环境  Political-legal Environment 政治法律环境  Social-cultural Environment 社会文化环境 Demographic Environment  Worldwide population growth 世界性人口增长  Population age mix 人口年龄  Ethnic and other markets 名族文化和其他市场  Educational groups 教育族群  Household patterns 家庭结构  Geographical shifts in population 人口在地理位子上的转变  Population Economic Environment Purchasing power 购买力 Income Distribution Marketers often distinguish countries with five different income-distribution patterns: 市场营销人员区分国家是通过5个不同收入的分配模式  Very low incomes 低收入(地区)  mostly low incomes 绝大多数低收入  very low, very high incomes 低收入高收入(两级地区)  low, medium, high incomes 高中低收入  mostly medium incomes 绝大多数中等收入 Natural environment Global hot concern Shortage of raw materials 缺乏原材料  Increase energy cost 能源成本的增加  Anti-pollution pressures 抵制污染的压力  Changing role of government 政府角色的转变 Technological Environment Accelerating pace of change 转变速度的加速  Unlimited opportunities for innovation 无限的革新机会  Varying R&D budgets 调研发展经费的改变  Increased regulation of technological change 科技规章制度的出台  Legislation regulation business 商业法案  Growth of special-interest group 特别族群的发展  Research and Development Political-legal Environment  Legislation regulating business 商业法案 Business legislation has three main purposes: 商业法案的三个目的  protect companies from unfair competition 保护企业远离不公平竞争  protect consumers from unfair business practices 保护企业远离不公平商业活动  protect the interests of society from unbridled business behavior 保护社会远离过度激烈的商业活动  Growth of special-interest group 特别族群的发展 Laws and policies Social-cultural environment  High persistence of core cultural values 高度坚持的文化价值观  Existence of subcultures 亚文化区的存在  Shifts of Secondary cultural values through time 第二文化价值观随着时间的转变 Beliefs, values and norms Discuss the questions Look at the photos. Who are the people can you guess? Why do you think Ian Mitchell looks worried? Discuss the continuing questions When do young people in your hometown/country leave home? What problems are there for young people living away from home for the first time? Listen to Ian, who lives in the North of England. He is talking about his daughter, Evie, who has left home to live in London. Answer the questions. How old is Evie? When did she move to London?  Is she enjoying living there? What does she think of London?  Why did she move there? Where is she living? Who is she living with? What does her boyfriend do? What’s his name? What does she do at the weekend? Why does she have to earn extra money? How often does she phone home? What does she say to her parents?  Listen to Evie talking about her life in London and answer the same questions. Which of her answers are different?  Speaking What do you think? Should Evie’s father be so worried about his daughter? Was Evie right to leave home at 18? What advice can you give to Evie and her fahter? Work in two groups. Group A: Parents Discuss your worries about Evie. Group B: Evie Discuss what to tell your parents about your life in London. What can you say to stop them worrying about you?  Evie, it’s so good to have you home again. We’ve been so worried about you. I’m fine. Living in London is great. You shouldn’t worry. But… 



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