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U51050 Strategic ManagementU51050  战略管理 Module 9: 第九课 Measuring & Evaluating Performance 衡量和评估绩效  Strategy Review 战略重新审视 “ Complicated controls do not work. They misdirect attention from what is to be controlled to the mechanics and methodology of the control.” “ 过于复杂的管理不仅不会奏效,反而会令人混淆。它将人们的注意力从管理的内容转移到管理的机制和方法。” —Tilles— Strategy Review 战略重新审视 “ Organizations are most vulnerable when they are at the peak of their success.” “ 处于胜利巅峰的企业是最脆弱的。” —R.T. Lenz— Strategy Review 战略重新审视 “ While strategy is a word that is usually associated with the future, its link to the past is no less central. Life is lived forward but understood backward. Managers may live strategy in the future, but they understand it through the past.” “ 尽管战略一词通常与未来相联系,它与过去的关系也并非不重要。过日子要向前看,但理解生活则要向后看。管理者将在未来实施战略,但他们是通过回顾过去而理解这一战略的。  —Henry Mintzberg— Exercise 1 练习 1 How do you review strategy in your workplace? Is it adequate? 	 你如何评价你所在企业的战略?它是适当的吗? Is the process formal enough? Who is involved? 	 这个过程是否足够正规?哪些人会参与其中? Discuss in your group and share 1 new insight with the class 	 在小组内讨论然后分享关于以上问题的意见 Strategy Review 战略重新审视 The firm’s internal and external environments are dynamic. Therefore, the best conceived and implemented strategies quickly become obsolete! 企业内部和外部的环境是在不断的变化中的,所以, 设想得再好,实施得再好的战略也会很快的就变得 不合时宜。 Strategy Review 战略重新审视 Strategy Evaluation—the Basics 战略评估-基本点  Examining the underlying basis of the business strategy 	 检查企业战略的最基本点 Comparing actual to expected results 	 将实际结果和预期结果相比较 Taking corrective action to address performance gaps 	采取纠正措施去应对绩效的差距 Strategy Review 战略重新审视 Effective Strategy Evaluation 有效的战略评估  Adequate and timely feedback 	 适当并及时的反馈 The cornerstone of effective evaluation 	 是有效评估的基石 Importance of 360% feedback – individuals and organisation 		360% 反馈的重要性 – 对个人及企业  Strategy Review 战略重新审视 Strategy Evaluation 战略评估 Must have both 	 必须同时具备以下两者 Short- & longer-term focus 	 短期和长期的重点 Strategy Review 战略重新审视 Four Review Criteria: 四个评价标准: Consistency 	 连贯性 Validity 	 有效性 Feasibility 	 可行性 Advantage 	 优越性 Consistency 连贯性 Validity 有效性 Feasibility 可行性 Exercise 2 练习 2 What areas do your current strategy review processes look at? Are they adequate? Should they be extended, eg to include social & environmental auditing? 	 在你们组织内现行的战略重新审视过程中会注重哪些范畴?他们是否适当?是否应该进一步扩展?例如:把社会和环境监测纳入范畴。 Discuss in group & share ideas with the class 	 小组讨论并与全班分享讨论结果 Evaluation Framework 评估框架 Review Bases of StrategyI. 重新审视战略基础  How have competitors reacted to our strategies? 	 竞争对手对我们的战略是如何回应的?  How have competitors’ strategies changed? 	 竞争对手的战略做了什么改变?  Have major competitors’ strengths and weaknesses changed? 	 主要竞争对手的优势和弱点是否发生了变化?  Review Bases of StrategyI. 重新审视战略基础 Any new competitors? 	 有新的竞争对手出现吗?  Why are competitors making certain strategic changes? 	 为什么竞争对手作出这样的战略转变呢?  Why are some competitors’ strategies more successful than others? 	 为什么有的竞争对手的战略比别的竞争对手更成功?  How satisfied are our competitors with their present market positions and profitability? 	 我们的竞争对手对他们现在的市场定位和赢利的满意度有多高呢?  Review Bases of StrategyI. 重新审视战略基础 How far can our major competitors be pushed before retaliating? 	 主要竞争对手在给压迫到什么的程度的时候会进行反击? How could we more effectively cooperate with our competitors? 	 我们可以怎么样更有效地和竞争对手进行合作?  Review Bases of StrategyI. 重新审视战略基础 Key Questions in Evaluating Strategy: 评估战略的主要问题: Are our internal strengths still strengths? 	 我们的内部优势是否还是优势? Have we added other internal strengths 	 我们是否增加了其他内部优势? Are our internal weaknesses still weaknesses? 	 我们的内部弱点是否还是弱点? Do we now have other internal weaknesses? 	 我们是否还有其他内部弱点? Are our external opportunities still opportunities? 	 我们的外部机遇是否还是机遇? Are there new external opportunities? 	 是否有新的外部机遇? Are our external threats still threats? 	 我们外部的威胁是否还是威胁? Are there now other external threats? 	 是否有新的外部威胁?  Measure PerformanceII. 评估绩效 Compare the firm’s performance over different time periods. 	 比较企业不同时期内的绩效 Compare the firm’s performance to competitors & industry averages. 	 与竞争对手和产业平均值进行比较 Quantitative Aspects 数量方面 Return on investment & equity  投资和资本回报 Profit margin & market share 利润率和市场占有率 Earnings per share 每股收益 Sales & asset growth 销售和资产的增长  Qualitative Aspects 性质方面 Is the strategy internally consistent?  战略是否内部连贯? Is the strategy consistent with the environment? 战略是否和环境相一致? Is the strategy appropriate in view of available resources?  从现有资源内来看,战略是否适当? Does the strategy involve an acceptable degree of risk? 战略所带来的风险是否在可接受的程度内? Does the strategy have an appropriate time framework? 战略是否有一个适当的时间框架? Is the strategy workable? Who says? Why? 战略是否可行?由谁决定?为什么?  Take Corrective ActionIII. 采取纠正措施 Making changes to reposition a firm competitively for the future 作出调整,为企业重新定位,增强未来的竞争力  Strategy-Evaluation Assessment  战略评估评定 Strategy Review 战略重新审视 Characteristics of an effective system 一个有效的系统的特征  Evaluation activities must be economical. 	 评估活动必须经济 Evaluation activities must be meaningful. 	 评估活动必须有意义 Evaluation activities must provide timely information. 	 评估活动必须能提供及时的信息 Evaluation system should be designed to provide a true picture of what is happening. 	 评估系统的设计必须是能提供现实情况的真实反映 Information derived from evaluation process should facilitate action. 	 从评估过程中取的信息应该对行动有帮助 Strategy Review 战略重新审视 Contingency Planning 权变计划  Identify both beneficial and unfavorable events that could possibly derail the strategy or strategies. 	 确定可能导致战略偏离的有利或者有碍的事件  Specify trigger points. Calculate when contingent events are likely to occur. 	 明确事件的触发点,计算什么时候偶发事件可能发生。 Strategy Review 战略重新审视 Contingency Planning 权变计划  Develop contingency plans. Insure that they are compatible with current strategy and are economically feasible. 	 建立权变计划。确保其与现行战略相容并在经济上可行。 Risk Analysis 风险分析 New concept in business & contract management 	在企业和合同管理上的新概念 Due largely to external, uncontrollable threats 	 主要由于外部的,不可控制的威胁 Alternative, but linked, to contingency planning 	 选择,但与权变计划相连 Integrates different business functions 	 整合不同的企业职能 Assists strategic decision making 	 协助战略决策的制定 Designed to be a one-stop business service 	 设计为一站式企业服务 Strategy Review 战略重新审视 Auditing 审计  Financial audits to determine correspondence between assertions based on strategic plans and established criteria 	 财务审计是确定基于战略计划的主张和既定标准间的相应关系  Environmental audits to insure sound and safe practices 	环境审计确保合理安全的操作 Strategic Management Futures 战略管理的前景 Importance of the big picture (environmental scanning & external audits) 	 大局观的重要性(环境审视和外部审计) Art more than science (engineering models limited utility) 	 是艺术多于是科学(设计模型有限效用) Importance of leadership, vision, governance 	 领导才能,远景观,和监管的重要性 IT as useful source of strategic information 	 信息科技是战略信息的有用来源 Customer & Stakeholder perspectives critical 	 顾客和利益相关者观点很重要 Sustainability & human-centred organisations the future 	可持续发展性和以人为本的组织 - 未来  Exercise 3 练习 3  Does strategic planning & management help you understand & compete with the other major players in your industry? 	 战略计划和管理是否帮助你更好的理解你所在行业的主要对手及更好地与其竞争? What do you learn from the process about issues such as CSF, competitive advantage and CI 	 从关于重要成功因素,竞争优势,企业形象这些问题中你学到了什么? Share major learnings from your group with the class 	 把小组的讨论结果和全班分享 Balanced Score Card 平衡记分卡 Traditional financial performance measures suited industrial era 	 传统的财务绩效评估适合工业化时代 Post-industrial era needs different business skills & competencies 	 后工业时代需要不同的商业技巧和技能 Balanced presentation of financial & operational measures 	 平均地表现财务和运作绩效 Balanced Score Card 平衡记分卡 Four important perspectives: 四个重观点: Customer perceptions 	 消费者的感知 Internal view of what organisation should excel at 	 关于企业应该建立什么优势的内部观点 Innovation & learning to improve & create value 	 学习与创新去改进并创造价值 Financial to consider stakeholders’ value expectations 	 从财务的角度,为利益相关者的期望值考虑  Balanced Score Card 平衡记分卡 Offers management a broader planning perspective through 4 processes: 在四个步骤上为管理者提供更宽广的计划远景: Translating the vision to build consensus 	 正确陈述愿景以形成一致意见 Communicating & linking to departmental objectives 	 与部门目标相沟通与相联系 Business planning to integrate business & financial plans 	 建立业务计划,整合企业计划与财务计划 Feedback and learning to develop organisational capacity for strategic learning  反馈及为战略学习而学习开发组织能力 	  	 Balanced Score Card 平衡记分卡 Reported advantages of BSC: 平衡记分卡在报告方面的优点: Clarify & update strategy 	 明确并修正战略 Communicate strategy throughout the company 	 将战略在企业内沟通 Align unit & individual goals with strategy 	 将部门及个人的目标和战略联合在一起 Link strategic objectives to long-term targets & annual budgets 	 将战略目标和长期及年度预算相联系 Validate cause & effect relationships 	 使因果关系得以证实 Identify & align strategic initiatives 	 确认并调整战略行动 Conduct performance reviews to improve strategy 	 进行绩效重新审视以改进战略 Balanced Score Card Processes 平衡记分卡流程 Exercise 4 练习 4  Review the Strategic Management unit 	 复习该战略管理单元 What have you learned from the unit? 	 你从这个单元学到了什么? What will you take to work on Monday? 	 你将从中带些什么到你的日常工作中去?  What will you do differently? 	 你所做的会有些什么不同以往的? Share your 3 major learnings with the class 	 和全班分享的以上的见解 Transforming the vision & forming objectives 转变愿景及制定目标 Communication & linking 沟通及联系 Business planning & coordinating 企业计划及协调 Feedback & learning 反馈及学习 *  2001 Prentice Hall Vision & Mission Statements 制定愿景和使命陈述 Chapter 2 第二章 External Audit 外部分析  Chapter 3 第三章 Internal Audit 内部分析  Chapter 4 第四章 Long Term Objectives 建立长期目标  Chapter 5 第五章 Generate, Evaluate, Select Strategies 制定,评价 及选择战略 Chapter 6 第六章 Implement Strategies: Management Issues 战略的实施的 管理问题 Chapter 7 第七章 Implement Strategies: Marketing, Fin/Acct, R&D, CIS 战略的实施: 营销,财务/会计, 研发,计算机信息系统 Chapter 8 第八章 Measure & Evaluate Performance 衡量及评价绩效 Chapter 9 第九章  Comprehensive Strategic Management Model  Comprehensive Strategic Management Model 综合战略管理模型 If policy problems/issues continue to be brought to the top for resolution, strategies may be inconsistent. 	 如果政策性问题经常困扰上层决策,战略也可能是缺乏连贯性的 NB Other explanations also need to be explored 	 可以进一步探讨其他情况 If success for one department means failure for another, strategies may be inconsistent. 	 如果一个部门的成功意味着另一个部门的失败,战略也可能是缺乏连贯性的 If managerial problems continue, strategies may be inconsistent. 	 如果管理的问题挥之不去,战略有可能是缺乏连贯性的 A strategy should present consistent goals 一个战略应该瞄准连贯的目标 Difficulty in matching key internal and external factors in strategy reflects poor data collection and analysis. 	 在战略中无法将内部与外部的重要因素联系起来则反映了数据收集和分析方面的不足 Strategy must represent an adaptive response to the external environment and critical changes occurring within it. 	 战略应该是对外部环境及其中发生的重要变革的适当的回应 Strategists need to examine trends  战略家需要审时度势 Can the strategy be attempted within the physical, human and financial resources of the enterprise? 	 战略在企业现有的物力、人力、财力的资源范围内是否可行? Need to reality check, is it do-able? 	 进行实况检查,可行吗? Strategy must neither overtax available resources nor create unsolvable problems. 战略既不应该加重现有资源的负担,也不应该制造不可解决的困难 I. Review underlying bases I. 再审隐含的基本点 II. Measure firm performance II. 衡量企绩效效 Differences? 差异? Yes 是 No 否 Differences? 差异? No 否 Yes 是 III. Take Corrective Action III. 采取纠正措施  Continue present course 继续施行现行计划 Continue course 继续现行计划 Yes 是 No 否 No 否 Corrective actions 纠正措施 No 否 Yes 是 No 否 Corrective actions 纠正措施 Yes 是 Yes 是 No 否 Corrective actions 纠正措施 No 否 No 否 Yes 是 Corrective actions 纠正措施 Yes 是 No 否 Yes 是 Corrective actions 纠正措施 No 否 Yes 是  Yes 是  Corrective actions 纠正措施  Yes 是  Yes 是  Yes 是  Corrective actions 纠正措施 No 否 No 否 No 否 Result 结果 Has the firm progressed satisfactorily toward achieving its stated objectives? 企业是否向着既定目标顺利地进发? Have major changes occurred in the firm’s external strategic position? 企业外部战略定位是否发生重要变化? Have major changes occurred in the firm’s internal strategic position? 企业的内部战略定位是否发生重要变化? * *  * * *  2001 Prentice Hall 



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