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昂立初中同步8年级预科unit 2教案
教师姓名		教学地点		班级编号			授课日期		单元和课题	Unit 2  Let’s make orange milk shake	班级人数	男生:  女生:		教学时段		课    型		学生年龄段:	岁—  岁		教学内容及目标(Teaching Aims):		交际功能:
		教具(Teaching Realia)		磁带、录音机、关于课文中出现的制作奶昔等的图片;		竞争计分机制(Scoring System)				板书设计(Blackboard Display)		Unit 2 Let’s make orange milk shake
First peel the bananas.
Next cut up the bananas.
Next put the bananas and yogurt into the blender.
Next pour the milk into the blender.
Then turn on the blender.
Finally drink the milk shake.
教学设计 Teaching process		第一节课(55’)the first class		环节	1. Review;(5 m’)              		内容	Review Unit 1		过程	Greetings;
Recite Unit 1 part a together
Review the key points of Unit 1
Review the grammar of Unit 1		环节	2.Warming up( m’)	“What do you like to drink? For example: coke, fruit juice, water,or tea?” and lead the students to discuss the kinds of drinks; 
How can we make drinks by ourselves?     (milk shake)		环节	3.Words( m’)	…into  turn on/off 
ingredients   crust   yogurt  lettuce		过程	注意音形义的输入,操练和输出(教师可根据学生情况讲解,侧重动词、形容词、副词、名词)		环节	4.Part a       Look, read and say(’)	First peel the bananas.
Next cut up the bananas.
Next put the bananas and yogurt into the blender.
Next pour the milk into the blender.
Then turn on the blender.
Finally drink the milk shake.
句型 祈使句“peel the banana; cut up the apple; pour the milk into the blender…”		过程	输入部分:
Listen to the tape and then answer the questions:
Q1: What should we do first?
Q2: What shall we do after putting the bananas and yogurt into the blender?
Q3: And then?
老师询问学生,so just now we have discussed what kind of drinks we usually have in our daily life, such as: coke, tea or juice, and today we really wanna have a try how should we make the nice milk shake. First let’s do some preparations: What ingredients and tools do we need? 
回答:banana  yogurt  milk  blender…  
3.1操练活动1:Ask & Answer:
     T: What do we need to make the milk shake?
    S1: Banana
     T: What else do we need to make the milk shake?
    S2: Yogurt and milk.
     T: What do we need to make the milk shake?
3.2操练活动2:Pair work
Ok, we have got all the ingredients we need, but we also need to know the steps for making milk shake.
分小组鼓励学生进行part a课文部分的模仿造句;
Copy sentences:(把part a水果bananas换为pears)
First husk the pears.    husk 削皮
Next cut up the pears.
Next put the pears and yogurt into the blender.
Next pour the milk into the blender.
Then turn on the blender.
Finally drink the milk shake.
5. 老师加上少许提示,鼓励学生背诵出part a;		环节	5.Part b(’)		内容	Page11  Part b    
掌握句型 First.…
        Finally….		过程	老师自由挑选学生并且提问,引导学生根据图片进行设计,并和partner一起根据part b的图片和单词提示,模仿part a 写出制作pizza, fruit salad and sandwich的流程和方法. 		环节	6.Words( m’)	Recipe  scallion  pancake  one teaspoon of  mix…up  three pieces of ice  
Stir…up		过程	注意音形义的输入,操练和输出(教师可根据学生情况讲解,侧重动词、形容词、副词、名词)		环节	7.Part c(’)	Fill in the blanks with the words.
句型:Here is a recipe for….
         Finally…………..		过程	要求学生填写并完成part c;
给出关键词或简单提示背诵part c;		环节	8.Part d(’) Read and do 		内容	快速阅读理解文章;		过程	1、分组竞赛,将关键词默写在黑板上。
如:one teaspoon of…    mix…up    three pieces of ice    stir…up;
2、背诵part d;		第二节课 (55’)the second class		环节	1.Review(’)	Here is a recipe for….
          Finally…………..		环节	2.重点突破(’)		名词的分类名词分为普通名词和专有名词两大类。普通名词又可以分为可数名词和不可数名词,其中可数名词包括个体和集体名词不可数名词包括抽象名词和物质名词。可数名词有单复数之分,数量大于等于二的要用复数形式。不可数名词没有单复数之分,需要表达它的量时,要用量词。How many 与  How much提问名词时的用法对可数名词前的数词提问,用How many + 可数名词复数 + 一般疑问句;对不可数名词前的数词提问,用How much + 不可数名词 + 一般疑问句turn on, turn off, turn up , 与turn down 的用法urn on是“打开”;
turn off是“关上” ;
turn up 是“把音量开大”,turn down是“把音量关小” 。在这几个短语中on/off/up/down 都为副词,所以当其后跟名词时,可以置于副词中或副词后但是如果是代词(it /them)必须放在中间。’)		内容	语法点: 祈使句祈使句是用来表示命令、请求、建议、号召等的句子,谓语动词用原形,句末用感叹号或句号。朗读时一般用降调。 1. 肯定的祈使句: (1)祈使句Be+形容词/名词”。
2. Be quiet! 请安静!



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