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昂立初中同步8年级预科unit 9教案
教师姓名		教学地点		班级编号			授课日期		单元和课题	Unit 9 What’s the best radio station?
	班级人数	男生:  女生:		教学时段		课    型	New lesson	学生年龄段:	岁—  岁		教学内容及目标(Teaching Aims):		交际功能:
		教具(Teaching Realia)		磁带、录音机、关于一些相关的图片;		竞争计分机制(Scoring System)				板书设计(Blackboard Display)		Unit 9 What’s the best radio station?
What’s the best movie theater?
It has the biggest screens
It has the most comfortable seats.
Who was the best performer in last week’s talent show?		
教学设计 Teaching process		第一节课(55’)the first class		环节	1. Review;(5 m’)              		内容	Review Unit 8		过程	Greetings;
Recite Unit 8 part a together
Review the key points of Unit 8
Review the grammar of Unit 8		环节	2.Warming up( m’)	  笑话( The best time)		过程	Three old men were talking about the best thing that could happen to them at that time of life.
  The 80 year old said : "The best thing that could happen to me is to be able to have a good pee. I just stand there and it dribbles and hurts, and I have to go over and over again."
  The 85 year old said: "The best thing could happen to me is if I could have a good bowel movement. I take every kind of laxative I can get my hands on and it is still a problem."
The 90 year old man said: "That's not my problem, every morning at 6:00am sharp I have a good long pee and at 6:30 sharp I have a great bowel movement. The best thing that could happen to me is if I could wake up before 7:00."( m’)	Radio station screen comfortable seat close theater cinema performer		过程	注意音形义的输入,操练和输出(教师可根据学生情况讲解,侧重动词、形容词、副词、名词)		环节	4.Part a       Look, listen and say(’)	A: What’s the best movie theater?
  B: Screen City. It has the biggest screens. And it has the most comfortable seats.
A: But I think Town Cinema is the closest to home. And it’s the cheapest.
2: A:Who was the best performer in last week’s talent show?
B: Steve was the best performer. He was excellent.
A: But I think Dennis was the funniest.’s the best movie theater? It has the biggest screens. It has the most comfortable seats.
  可以发散到What’s the best KTV? What’s the best hotal? …
学生分组A.B来对话练习。		环节	5.Part b(’)		内容	Part b    
   Think of three stores in your city and fill in the chart. Then talk about the stores.
most expensive:
A:  I think Trendy Teens has the best service.
B:  I think Funky Fashions has the worst quality.
		过程	1老师自由挑选学生并且提问,引导学生根据短语提示进行设计,并和partner一起根据part b的图片和单词提示,模仿part a 口头进行对话的练习
学生分为A B组,进行对话		环节	6.Words( m’)	Excellent service quality actor creative loud success act talent-show		过程	注意音形义的输入,操练和输出(教师可根据学生情况讲解,侧重动词、形容词、副词、名词)		环节	7.Part c(’)	Interview three classmates. Write their answers in the chart below.
   A: Who do you think is the funniest actor?
   B: I think Zhao Benshan is the funniest actor.
What / Who do you think is the …
(student’s name)
(student’s name)
(student’s name)
funniest actor?
most creative music video?
loudest musical group?
most boring TV show?
worst movie?
best book?
		过程	要求学生先熟悉对话 ,
Pair work,分组进行口语练习;
根据提示短语和图片带入到课文中进行对话练习。		环节	8.Part d(’) Read and		内容	快速阅读理解文章;		过程	1、分组竞赛,快速完成阅读并给出答案。
2、背诵part d;		第二节课 (55’)the second class		环节	1.Review(’)	What’s the best movie theater?
It has the biggest screens
It has the most comfortable seats.
Who was the best performer in last week’s talent show?		环节	2.重点突破(’)		的用法
1. Success is the mother of failure. 失败是成功之母。
2. He is a success as a teacher. 他作为教师是成功者。
succeed v. 成功
successful adj. 成功的
successfully adv. 成功地
语言点2、Who do you think is / does…?
本句型中do you think为插入语,去掉后可以看出是一个特殊疑问句。注意本句型的句子结构。如:
1. What do you think is the most important? 你认为最重要的是什么?
2. Who do you think studies harder than we? 你认为谁比我们学习更努力?
		环节	3. Grammar focus(10’)		内容	语法点:形容词最高级的用法
 Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three. 张华是这三个中个子最高的。
He works (the) 



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