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昂立初中同步8年级预科unit 7教案
教师姓名		教学地点		班级编号			授课日期		单元和课题	Unit 7 what’s the matter with you?	班级人数	男生:  女生:		教学时段		课    型	New lesson	学生年龄段:	岁—  岁		教学内容及目标(Teaching Aims):		交际功能:
		教具(Teaching Realia)		磁带、录音机、关于一些相关的图片;		竞争计分机制(Scoring System)				板书设计(Blackboard Display)		Unit7 what’s the matter with you?
What’s the matter with you?
When did it start?
You should get some rest.
What’s wrong with you?
教学设计 Teaching process		第一节课(55’)the first class		环节	1. Review;(5 m’)              		内容	Review Unit 7		过程	Greetings;
Recite Unit 6 part a together
Review the key points of Unit 6
Review the grammar of Unit 6		环节	2.Warming up( m’)	   关于调皮邻居的笑话		过程	Now I’ll tell you a story. Do you like stories? So listen to me carefully.
The爉aster,爐o爄mpress爋n爃is爌upils爐he爊eed爋f爐hinking燽efore爏peaking,爐old爐hem爐o燾ount爁ifty燽efore爏aying燼nything爄mportant,燼nd爋ne爃undred爄f爄t爓as爒ery爄mportant.?The爊ext燿ay爃e爓as爏peaking,爏tanding爓ith爃is燽ack爐o爐he爁ire,爓hen爃e爊oticed爏everal爈ips爉oving爎apidly.燬uddenly爐he爓hole燾lass爏houted:?Ninety-eight,爊inety-nine,燼爃undred.燳our燾oat爄s爋n爁ire,爏ir!"?引出:What’s wrong with this teacher?		环节	3.Words( m’)	Fever cough flu headache terrible medicine had-better have-a-cold why-not-do 		过程	注意音形义的输入,操练和输出(教师可根据学生情况讲解,侧重动词、形容词、副词、名词)		环节	4.Part a       Look, listen and say(’)	’s the matter with you?
 B: I’m not feeling well. I have a cold.
 A: when did it start?
 B: About two days ago.
 A: Oh, that’s too bad. You should get some rest.
 B: Yes, I think so.
     		过程	输入部分:
Listen to the tape 
2. 进行输入后,老师尝试去随机询问几位学生how are you today ? 学生回答心情后,当发现不好的心情时,教师可问:what’s the matter with you?  What’s wrong with you?
A:What’s the matter with you?  
B:  Not feeling well / too bad/ terrible
A: When did it start?
B: (时间表达法)
3. 老师加上少许提示,鼓励学生背诵出part a;;		环节	5.Part b(’)		内容	   Part b    
          Make conversations with your partner with these phrases.
A cough/ the flu/ a stomachache / a backache		过程	老师自由挑选学生并且提问,引导学生根据短语提示进行设计,并和partner一起根据part b的图片和单词提示,模仿part a 口头进行对话的练习
2. 分小组进行短语和单词替换,作出自己的对话;		环节	6.Words( m’)	Brush / tooth/ ice cream / back/ should modal/ why not do/ sore throat		过程	注意音形义的输入,操练和输出(教师可根据学生情况讲解,侧重动词、形容词、副词、名词)		环节	7.Part c(’)	’s wrong with you?
B: I have a headache.
A: You should stay in bed and have a good sleep.		过程	要求学生先熟悉对话:1,2,3,4 page40
Pair work,分组进行口语练习;
根据提示短语和图片连线;		环节	8.Part d(’) Read and		内容	快速阅读理解文章;		过程	1、分组竞赛,快速完成阅读并给出答案。
2、背诵part d;		第二节课 (55’)the second class		环节	1.Review(’)	’s the matter with you?
When did it start?
You should get some rest.
What’s wrong with you?
		环节	2.重点突破(’)		
 What’s the trouble with you?
What’s wrong/the matter with you?
What’s your trouble?
1.I’m not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。
2.  Do you feel comfortable in the house? 你在这房子里感到舒服吗?
语言点3 Why not have a good rest ?
可以用Why not … ? 来提出建议,表示“何不……?”not后接动词原形。
Why not……?实际上是Why don’t we/ you ……?的简略形式。
注意:语言点讲解后,举例进行,例句可以用课文当中1页的练习题进行,或者造句。		环节	3. Grammar focus(10’)		内容	语法点: Grammar focus  had better的 用法
had better意为“最好应该”,后接动词原形,,其中的had通常缩略为’d。
You’d better get some sleep.你最好睡一会儿。??? 
We had better go before it rains. 我们最好在下雨前就去。
构成否定式时,通常将not置于had better之后而不是had之后。???
I’d better nothim.我最好别他。??
’)		内容	学生做习题,做完后,老师讲解内容。		第三节课 (55’)the third class		环节	1.限时训练(’)	’)		内容	老师讲解答案		过程	讲解时注意做题技巧,例如完形填空,应该先通读全文,理解大概意思,再选择填空,注意前后词语的提示。		
昂立初中同步8年级上 Unit 6	
教学内容	教学目标		
Period 1	Part A	could you please do me a favor?
Could I use your computer?
	CTP1A3			Part B	Could you please do the dishes?
Would you mind doing the dishes?
	CTP1B2			Part C	Would you mind not playing the piano so loudly?
Would you mind coming and checking it?
Would you mind not parking he



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