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D oc. number to be entered by "Header and Footer" Project name or document title(max. two lines)–Type of document –Client name(max. two lines)Location, date of presentation (month day, year) Content	Page A.	Chapter	?? 1.	Sub chapter	?? 1.1	Section	?? B.	Chapter	?? 1.	Sub chapter	?? 1.1	Section	?? C.	Chapter	?? 1.	Sub chapter	?? 1.1	Section	?? A. Chapter page (after chapter point: 4 "space bars") Action/reaction Action/reaction Action/reaction Against the tide/with the tide Balance/imbalance Balance/imbalance Balance/imbalance Bar chart Chances/risks Change of direction China map Circulation (2 factors) Circulation (3 factors) Circulation (4 factors) Circulation (5 factors) Circulation (6 factors) Circulation (7 factors) Circulation (8 factors) Client types Columns and tables Columns and tables Columns and tables Columns and tables Column chart Column chart Column chart Column chart Column chart Column chart Column chart Column chart Column chart Conflict Conflict Consequences (2) Consequences (3) Consequences (4) Consequences (5) Consequences (2) Consequences (3) Consequences (4) Consequences (5) Consequences Consultants profil (English), [Firstname Lastname] Cooperation Cooperation Cost breakdown chart Dead end Dependance Development Dice Direction Factors (2) Factors (3) Factors (3) Factors (3) Factors (4) Factors (4) Factors (4) Factors (4) Factors (6) Factors (6) Factors (8) Factors (4) Factors (5) Factors (6) Factors (4) Factors (5) Factors (6) Factors (3) Factors (4) Factors (5) Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Filter Filter Flexibility Flexibility Flexibility Focus –expansion Growth Guidelines Harmony Hurdles and brakes Impact Influence (1 factor) Influence (2 factors) Influence (2 factors) Influence (4 factors) Influence (4 factors) Influence (6 factors) Input/output Interaction Margin chart Matrix Matrix Matrix Matrix Measures plan –planned activities Measures plan –planned measures Measures plan –planned individual steps Models Moon chart Multipliers Multipliers Mutuality Mutuality Obstacle Obstacle Obstacle Organizational and flow chart Organizational and flow chart Organizational and flow chart Option Option Option Penetration Pie chart Pie chart Pie chart Plus/minus Plus/minus Plus/minus Plus/minus Plus/minus Plus/minus Portfolio Portfolio Pressure Pressure Pressure Prioritization Process Process Process –decrease Process –increase Progress Project Project Project procedure Puzzle Puzzle (for color presentations) Puzzle Redesign (Cube) Redesign Resistance Restructuring Rethink Separation Separation Separation Spinning off parts of a company Storyboard Storyboard Strengths/weaknesses Table Table Table Table Table Table Target (1 factor) Target (2 factors) Target (3 factors) Team organization Text blocks (2) Text blocks (3) Text blocks (4) Text blocks (5) Text blocks (2) Text blocks (3) Text blocks (4) Text blocks (5) Text blocks (2 + 3) Text blocks (3 + 3) Text blocks (3 + 4) Text in box Text in box Text in box Text in box Timetable Value-added chain Vision Waste of resources –problem Waste of resources –solution China is a market of great potential for Geberit As a short-term cash-cow, more public products are expected to be sole in contributing to the early break even Booz-Ball tables should be clean and organized, all of the same color, and individual circles should not be too large  Stacked bar graph 100% stacked bar graph  Stacked column graph 100% stacked column graph  Waterfall chart, double step  Tornado chart: back-to-back bar graphs  Tornado chart: horizontal stacked chart  Combination line and column graph: dual-axis Area graph: data labels inside Pie graph: labels on outside Gantt chart/timeline diagram  Timeline  Porter’s five forces  Three interlocking circles  Four-piece puzzle (assembled) Focusing on revenue/profitability oriented business models have significant implications for supply chain design Overall logistics costs Channel service levels Do it yourself Focus on getting stuff out the door Our Evolutionary Masters have deftly managed supply chain complexity and relationships over the last decade…We believe that success in the new economy lies in a seamless combination of capabilities across the extended supply chain Our vision of winning new business models in supply chain leverage the emerging exchange space, integrated with innovative supply chain planning and execution capabilities What is a business model, anyway? It’s an organization’s core logic for creating value What does it sell? To whom? Why do customers choose this company over others? How does the company communicate distinctively with customers? How does it price distinctively? Successful business models are driven by two key concepts –revenue and profitability 盖洛普路径流程:线性影响因素:整体/ 部分:矛盾:Understanding buyer values helps prove or disprove current hypotheses as well as generate strategy solutions. Organizational beliefs and strategy alternatives identified in the situation assessment are translated into hypotheses for testing. Identifying Buyer Value-Based segments creates the foundation for creating the distribution channel strategy and design. Value based segment strategies can produce incremental revenues of $700 million and reduce costs up to $150 million. Its critical to define what factors or “attributes”are important when consumers decide to purchase from one provider versus another. With traditional research, when you ask how important any particular feature is individually, consumers tend to say each is very important. Based on answers to the tradeoff questions, buyer values are calculated and respondents are grouped by “like”values to help identify target segments. These groups or segments of consumers not only have different profit potentials... In summary, using value based segmentation is a powerful tool to improve a client’s bottom line. Based on Andersen Consulting’s investigation of the target markets, there is identifiable change in buyer preferences from window to split and cabinet air conditioners. 第一阶段中“评估战略目标”的主要任务和项目阶段性成果自1998年成立以来,XX 股份取得了迅猛的业务发展,目前已成为中国西北地区建材行业的龙头企业之一但我国水泥行业极度分散,竞争的地域特征浓厚;低标号水泥产能过剩,地方保护主义,以及不正当竞争,导致大多水泥企业连年亏损在并购的整个过程中都有导致失败的因素许多的整合任务必须按重要性排序近年来的兼并收购,已形成一些有区域性影响力的水泥集团标杆分析和最佳实践分析可以帮助揭示可行的有吸引力的CRM 机会可转移的最佳实践也可来自于非自动的标杆目标航空业在客户维持项目(包括为细分市场提供个性化服务)的开发方面竞相提高可以最大限度的运用由特殊工具支持的接触点分析和对CRM 运行的初步评估结果现存的CRM 系统应该根据其与整体CRM 战略集成的潜在可能性进行评估远景将对客户关系的未来定位进行定义…这将转为评估业务选择的第一阶段所需的记分卡各个目标的重要性应该根据其相关性进行交互式定义在实际的潜在性估计期间,必须预先加入客户战略开发的部分针对个人的客户对话概念可以在6 周内完成CRM 业务模型可以通过现有的和新的产品和服务定义在最优战略意义和吸引力的领域开发业务选择开发的业务选择应该根据目标系统进行定性的评估根据目标系统的评估能确保所有项目模块的严格的优先排序客户数据服务允许高质量的分析数据并极大降低数据维持工作成功的客户维持项目需要运用智能卡(smartcards)汉莎航空公司的“Miles&More”就是一个全面的、非常成功的客户维持项目CRM 是营销和销售中的关键流程基于不同前景的商业计划都应该包括收入、边际提高、成本和投资效率的说明成本效应和投资应该详细进行记录每个业务模型的实施都需要完成7 个内外部的任务e-partnering 是罗兰贝格提供给你电子商务方面的一个有效的合作管理的框架强大的内部团队和外边合作为客户提供一步解决的方案根据技术专长、电子商务经验和商业观点,InfoCom 能力中心为CRM 和电子商务项目提供绝对的支持呼叫中心解决方案的实施必须面向交叉合作和供应商的特殊需求必须考虑技术解决方案和供应商的几个要求三分结构89 107 104 186 21 100 100 100 25 25 25 26 15 57 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 27 27 27 28 17 59 28 28 28 29 18 60 95 113 35 45 96 114 36 105 123 53 客户数据模型通过客户数据模型创造价值高质量的数据分析降低数据维持工作CRM 系统国家A CRM 系统国家B CRM 系统国家C 适应不同国家的数据CRM 处理的基础对个人、属性、编码结构和关系进行单一的最小的定义项目举例Source: Roland Berger & Partners Source:



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