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科技论文的英语表达及英文摘要的写作南方医科大学学报编辑部王征爱提纲1. 摘要的类型2. 英文摘要与中文摘要的区别3. 摘要常用词和句型4. 摘要的语态和人称5. 摘要的时态6. 摘要常用表达和几个/组高频词辨析7. 虚词的用法8. 副词的用法9. 关于Chinglish 10. 修辞11. 分词、合成词有关问题12. 名词的特殊用法及名词的数1、摘要的类型1.1 评论性摘要(Critical abstract) 1.2 说明性摘要(Descriptive abstract) 1.3 资料性摘要(Informative abstract) 1.4 资料-指示性摘要(Informative-indicative abstract) 1.5 结构式摘要(Structured abstract) 1.1 评论性摘要不常用,可见于综述,内容上侧重于评价/论理. ABSTRACT: Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (ATIN) is a common disorder characterized by a spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic urinary abnormalities to acute oliguric renal failure. Tubular dysfunction out of proportion to the degree of renal failure is an important clue to the diagnosis. This review describes its pathogenesis, pathophysiology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy, emphasizing the drug-induced form of ATIN. 1.2 说明性摘要又称指示性或通报性摘要(Indicative abstract) :说明文章的内容范围,只是简单地报道研究主题,泛泛而谈,不涉及具体内容。一般只一到三句话,多见于临床医学论文。Example The survival rates of a series of patients with unstable angina treated surgically and medically are compared. 1.3 资料性摘要: 详细、具体,重要观点和数据Postoperative bleeding is usually attributed to stress ulcer; however, occult preoperative lesions could also be responsible ( 背景). To determine their frequency and nature, we prospectively examined 72 patients ( 目的) endoscopically prior to major elective operations. Entry criteria included a planned stay in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, >2 days, and a negative history, physical examination, and stool guaiac ( 愈伤木脂,一种检便潜血试剂). Gastric and duodenal mucosae were scored separately, using a 0- to 7-point scale. Scores were graded negative (0), hyperemia (1), gastroduodenitis (2-5), mucosal erosions (6), and ulcers (7) ( 方法). Erosions or ulcers were found in 14% of patients and gastroduodenitis is an additional 10%. We found that none of the 27 risk factors or any combination of factors tested correlated with ulcers, erosoins, or gastroduodenitis ( 结果). Thus, patients with asymptomatic gastroduodenal erosions or ulcerations could not be identified preoperatively, except by endoscopy ( 结论). Until the significance of these lesions as cause of postoperative bleeding is determined, we recommended routine postoperative gastric pH titration with antacids for patients undergoing major elective operations ( 建议). 1.4 资料-指示性摘要: 内容更完整,多了一条提示The relationship between depression (抑郁症)and stressors (应激)and the relationship between depression in children and depression in their parents were investigated. (概括或提示性语言)Depressed children aged 7-11 years (n = 20) were compared with clinical non-depressed children (n = 88) and normal children (n = 55). Children, mothers and fathers in the three groups were tested. Measures included the Children's Depression Inventory, Recent Life Events Scale, Stressor Scale and Beck Depression Inventory. The findings showed that children and mothers in the depressed group reported more stressors than other children and other mothers while fathers of children in the depressed group did not report more stressors. The findings also showed that mothers of depressed children were more depressed than mothers of normal children while there were no differences between the scores of fathers in the three groups. 1.5 结构式摘要(structured abstract) BACKGROUND: Hypothyroidism is a common condition that is frequently irreversible and requires lifelong thyroid replacement therapy. OBJECTIVE: To assess the incidence and factors that can predict reversibility of hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis. METHODS: We studied 79 patients in whom Hashimoto's thyroiditis was diagnosed according to suggestive cytologic features and/or the presence of thyroid antibodies (antimicrosomal antibody titer, > or = 1:1600; antiglobulin antibody titer, > or = 1:400) …. RESULTS: After withdrawal of levothyroxine treatment, thyroid blood tests showed that the degree of hypothyroidism worsened in 20 patients, remained unchanged in 40, and improved in 19. Nine patients (11.4%) did show normalization of the thyroid blood test .... CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis is not always permanent. The presence of a larger goiter and high thyrotropin levels at the time of diagnosis, associated with a familial incidence of thyroid disease, may be related to an increased incidence of hypothyroidism remission. 2、英文摘要与中文摘要的区别 2.1 独立摘要和随文摘要2 .2 内容的详简度内外有别2.1独立摘要和随文摘要独立摘要指用于检索性刊物如Excepta Medica 、Index Medicus 、Chemical Abstracts 、Biological Abstracts 、Engineering Index 等及大型国际会议的论文摘要汇编,此外还有一些文摘杂志。随文摘要指一般期刊内与正文同存的摘要。2.2 内容的详简度内外有别中文摘要详细介绍国外经验;英文摘要重点描述国内特色;总的来说英文摘要应比中文摘要更全面反映全文主旨。3、摘要常用词和句型3.1 表达目的的常用词和句型或结构3 .2 表达方法的句型3 .3 表达结果的句型3 .4 表达结论的句型3.1 表达目的的常用词和句型或结构www.book118.com 摘要中表示“目的”常用词的用法www.book118.com.1 用于表示“目的”的常用名词(字顺)①Aim A. 名词用法B. 动词用法②Attempt A. 名词用法B. 动词用法A 名词用法The aim of this investigation /study / the present study was to.... Our aim is to .... determine whether a clinically relevant positive inotropic effect (增强收缩力作用)can be demonstrated in humans. establish an objective, easy-to-use technique to evaluate …. The aims of this study were: 1) to ... ;and 2) to .... B 动词用法a. 主动态后接动词不定式This study aimed to .…/ We aimed to .…/ This study aims to .…b. 主动态后接介词at +动名词This research aimed at identifying ....c. 被动态后接介词at +动名词 This study was aimed at document- ing .... ②Attempt A 名词用法 An attempt was made to ..../ An attempt has been made to..../ An attempt was undertaken to .… The present study is an attempt to replicate earlier evidence that .... For this reason, an attempt was undertaken for .... 尝试干…. In an attempt to extend this finding, three experiments were conducted....In a first attempt to elucidate its function, we examined .... B 动词用法In this study we attempt to .... The authors attempt to evaluate the degree ....   A major goal is prevention of acceleration-induced loss of con-sciousness.  The goal of this investigation was to.... Goal 一词的含义、用法及其句式跟名词aim 完全一样,例句从略。⑦Purpose Purpose 的用法同aim ,不复举例。 但在for the purpose (of) 这一固定结构中,一般不用aim 替换其中的purpose 。如:... is described for the purpose of ... www.book118.com.2 目的句中的常用动词(多用被动态) ①Carry out 执行The retrospective study / An experimental study / An investigation was carried out to evaluate .... We carried out this study to determine .... ②Conduct 引导,实施,进行 A (...) study/ survey / An experiment was conducted to evaluate/ establish/ investigate .... ⑥Develop 研制,创立…method(s) ...was/were developed to ( 动词不定式)/for ( 名词或动名词) .... An on-line thermospray liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry method was developed to .... Two methods were developed to displace …. We have also developed methods for the analysis of .... Formulation/drug/strategy/protocol/recipe www.book118.com 结构式摘要中表示目的常见不定式结构To analyze whether patients with RA have an intrinsic defect (先天性缺陷)in T cell proliferation and survival, .... 为了分析…. To ascertain/assess/characterize/clarify/compare/construct/describe/determine/distinguish/elaborate/elucidate/establish/estimate/evaluate/examine/explore/expose/help/identify/investigate/isolate/provide/report/study/test/understand To validate criteria predicting …. 为了验证预测…. 的标准3.2 表达方法的句型www.book118.com using/by using 分句+主动态主句Using a rabbit model of pneumococcal meningitis, we compared ... and .... www.book118.com using/by using 分句+被动态主句By using a multivariate risk algorithm,



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